The BGS Lexicon of Named Rock Units — Result Details

Banffshire Coast and Caithness (Albion) Glacigenic Subgroup

Computer Code: BCAG Preferred Map Code: BCA
Status Code: Full
Age range: Mid Pleistocene (QPM) — Mid Pleistocene (QPM)
Lithological Description: Reddish to dark blue-grey clayey diamictons containing clasts and rafts of Mesozoic rocks derived from the bed of the Moray Firth; also pre-Late Devensian glaciomarine shelly muds. Suite of glacial, glaciofluvial, glaciolacustrine and glaciomarine deposits.
Definition of Lower Boundary: Unconformable on bedrock.
Definition of Upper Boundary: Ground surface or unconformably overlain by deposits of the Caledonia Glacigenic Group.
Thickness: Up to 10 m.
Geographical Limits: The hinterland of the Moray Firth, Buchan, Caithness and Orkney.
Parent Unit: Albion Glacigenic Group (ALBI)
Previous Name(s): Banffshire Coast Glacigenic Group [Obsolete Name and Code: Use BCD, BCAG] (-1971)
Alternative Name(s): none recorded or not applicable
Type Area  The hinterland of the Moray Firth, including the north-eastern end of the Great Glen, the southern shores of the Moray Firth as far east as Buckie, the Black Isle, the land surrounding the Cromarty and Dornoch firths, Caithness and Orkney. See details of constituent informal Red Burn Till, West Leys Sand and Gravel and Camp Fauld Till formations, defined in Merritt et al. (2003). 
McMillan, A A, Hamblin, R J O, and Merritt, J W. 2005. An overview of the lithostratigraphical framework for the Quarternary and Neogene deposits of Great Britain (onshore). British Geological Survey Research Report RR/04/04. 
Merritt, J W, Auton, C A, Connell, E R, Hall, A M and Peacock, J D. 2003. The Cainozoic geology and landscape evolution of north-east Scotland. Memoir of the British Geological Survey, Sheets 66E, 67, 76E, 77, 86E, 87W, 87E, 95, 96W, 96E and 97 (Scotland) 
McMillan, A A, Hamblin, R J O, and Merritt, J W. 2011. A lithostratigraphical framework for onshore Quaternary and Neogene (Tertiary) superficial deposits of Great Britain and the Isle of Man. British Geological Survey Research Report, RR/10/03. 343pp. 
1:50K maps on which the lithostratigraphical unit is found, and map code used:
none recorded or not applicable