The BGS Lexicon of Named Rock Units — Result Details

Batch Volcanic Member

Computer Code: BV Preferred Map Code: notEntered
Status Code: Full
Age range: Ediacaran Period (AD) — Ediacaran Period (AD)
Lithological Description: Purplish red mudstones and thin sandstones, interbedded with four beds of distinctive purple and pale greenish grey, coarse crystal lithic ash, and lithic lapilli tuff.
Definition of Lower Boundary: Lies within the purple sandstones and mudstones of the Synalds Formation. Base is taken at the sharp base of the "Andesitic Ash", a distinctive purple and green coarse-grained tuff bed about 130m below the top of the Synalds Formation.
Definition of Upper Boundary: Taken at the top of a 2m-thick unnamed purple and pale grey tuff bed, about 21m below the top of Synalds Formation. Overlain by purple mudstones and siltstones of the Synalds Formation (undivided).
Thickness: 110 m.
Geographical Limits: Lies within eastern part of the Long Mynd, Shropshire.
Parent Unit: Synalds Formation (SYGP)
Previous Name(s): Batch Volcanics [Obsolete Code: Use BV] (YSSB)
Batch Volcanic Rocks [Obsolete Name and Code: Use BV] (-2649)
Batch Volcanic Beds [Obsolete Name and Code: Use BV] (-3258)
Alternative Name(s): none recorded or not applicable
Type Section  Spur rising westwards from the junction of the Jonathan's Hollow and Long Batch valleys 1.5km westnorthwest of All Stretton, Shropshire. Greig et al., 1968. 
Type Area  Long Mynd area, near Church Stretton between Ashes Hollow and Womerton Farm. Greig et al., 1968. 
Greig D C, Wright, J E, Hains, B A and Mitchell, G H. 1968. Geology of the country around Church Stretton, Craven Arms, Wenlock Edge and Brown Clee. Memoir of the Geological Survey, Sheet 166 (England and Wales). (London: H.M.S.O.). 379pp. 
Wilson, D, 2000. Shropshire. 81-113 in Precambrian rocks of England and Wales. Carney, J N (editor). Geological Conservation Review Series No. 20. (Peterborough: Joint Nature Conservation Committee). 
Cobbold, E S. 1901. The geology of the Church Stretton district. 1-115 in Church Stretton vol 1. Campbell-Hyslop, C W (Editor). No. 1. (Shrewsbury: L Wilding). 
Blake, J F. 1890. On the Monian and basal Cambrian rocks of Shropshire. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, London, Vol. 46, 386-420. 
1:50K maps on which the lithostratigraphical unit is found, and map code used:
none recorded or not applicable