The BGS Lexicon of Named Rock Units — Result Details

Durn Hill Quartzite Formation

Computer Code: DBDQ Preferred Map Code: DuQu
Status Code: Full
Age range: Neoproterozoic Era (AZ) — Neoproterozoic Era (AZ)
Lithological Description: Quartzite, massive to blocky, locally feldspathic. Micaceous quartzite at base in southern part of outcrop.
Definition of Lower Boundary: Change from interbedded psammite and semipelite of Arnbath Formation, where present, or pelite and limestone of Fordyce Limestone Formation, to thicker-bedded quartzite.
Definition of Upper Boundary: Rapid transition to pelite (graphitic near coast) at base of Castle Point Pelite Formation.
Thickness: c.400m on Durn Hill, thinning to c.150m at coast. Probably repeated by folding and thrusting on Knock Hill and farther south.
Geographical Limits: Coast section from 150m southeast of Foul Hole to John Legg's Well [NJ 579 666 to 580 665]; extends southwards as far as Braco [NJ 498 512]. Equivalent to the Kymah Quartzite farther south.
Parent Unit: Islay Subgroup (DBIS)
Previous Name(s): Upper part of Durn Hill Quartzite [Obsolete Name and Code: Use DBDQ] (-4588)
Alternative Name(s): Kymah Quartzite Formation
Partial Type Section  Durn Hill Quarry. 
Reference Section  Coastal section from 150m southeast of Foul Hole to John Legg's Well. 
Stephenson, D and Gould, D. 1995. British Regional Geology: the Grampian Highlands (4th edition). (London: HMSO for the British Geological Survey), 67-68. 
Harris, A L, Haselock, P J, Kennedy, M J and Mendum, J R, 1994. The Dalradian Supergroup in Scotland, Shetland and Ireland. 33-53 in Gibbons, W E and Harris, A L (editors). A revised correlation of Precambrian rocks in the British Isles. Special Report of the Geological Society, London, No.22. 
Read, H H, 1923. Geology of the country around Banff, Huntly and Turriff, Lower Banffshire and north-west Aberdeenshire. Memoir of the Geological Survey, Scotland Sheets 86 and 96 (Scotland). 
Stephenson, D, et al. 1993. Stratigraphy and correlation of the Dalradian rocks of the East Grampian Project area. British Geological Survey Technical Report WA/93/91. 
1:50K maps on which the lithostratigraphical unit is found, and map code used:
S096 S086