The BGS Lexicon of Named Rock Units — Result Details

Gala Unit 6

Computer Code: GAL6 Preferred Map Code: GALA6
Status Code: Full
Age range: Aeronian Age (SA) — Aeronian Age (SA)
Lithological Description: Graded beds that may include wacke sandstone, siltstone and mudstone in variable proportion, interpreted as turbidites.
Definition of Lower Boundary: Southern faulted boundary: southernmost splay of Drumbreddan Bay Fault (Rhins of Galloway); Pibble Fault (Wigtown). Stratigraphical lower boundary with underlying Moffat Shale Group (of Ordovician to Silurian age up to convolutus Biozone).
Definition of Upper Boundary: Northern faulted boundary: The Hooies Fault (Rhins of Galloway); Garheugh Fault (Kirkcowan and Wigtown).
Thickness: c. 600m of near-vertical strata.
Geographical Limits: Mapped from Drumbreddan Bay on the Rhins of Galloway (Sheet 1/3) to Peebleshire (Sheet 24 E). Correlation with Central Belt turbidites of Llandovery age in the Ards Peninsula, Northern Ireland.
Parent Unit: Gala Group (GALA)
Previous Name(s): Gala Group (GALA)
Queensberry Grits [Obsolete Name and Code: Use GDE, GALA, GAL1, GAL2, GAL3, GAL4, GAL5, GAL6, GAL7, GAL8] (-1552)
Gala Group (GALA)
Intermediate Greywacke Group [Obsolete Name and Code: Use GAL4, GAL5, GAL6] (-3414)
Alternative Name(s): Grennan Point Formation Of The Rhins Of Galloway
Reference Section  Coastal section between Grennan Point and Drumbreddan Bay, 6 km SW of Sandhead, Rhins of Galloway (Sheet 1/3). Stone, 1995. 
Peach, B N and Horne, J. 1899. The Silurian Rocks of Britain, Volume 1. Scotland. Memoir of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom. 
Lapworth, C, 1871. On the Lower Silurian rocks in the neighbourhood of Galashiels. Transactions of the Edinburgh Geological Society, 2, 46 - 58. 
Walton, E K. 1955. Silurian greywackes in Peeblesshire. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, B65, 327-357. 
Stone, P, 1995. Geology of the Rhins of Galloway district. Memoir of the British Geological Survey, Sheets 1 & 3 (Scotland). 
Barnes, R P, Anderson, T B, and McCurry, J A. 1987. Along-strike variation in the stratigraphical and structural profile of the Southern Uplands Central Belt in Galloway and Longford Down. Journal of the Geological Society, 144, 807-816. 
McMillan, A A. 2002. Geology of the New Galloway and Thornhill District. 2002. Memoir of the British Geological Survey. Sheets 9W and 9E (Scotland). 
1:50K maps on which the lithostratigraphical unit is found, and map code used:
S001 S003 S004 S004 S009 S009 S016 S024 N29 S015