The BGS Lexicon of Named Rock Units — Result Details

Gardenstown Conglomerate Formation

Computer Code: GDC Preferred Map Code: GDC
Status Code: Full
Age range: Mid Devonian Epoch (DM) — Mid Devonian Epoch (DM)
Lithological Description: Conglomerate with thin lenticular sandstone and rare fish-bearing silty mudstone, e.g. Findon Fish Bed.
Definition of Lower Boundary: Unconformity on various formations of the Early Devonian Crovie Group.
Definition of Upper Boundary: Top of Orcadian Old Red Sandstone sequence on the southern side of the Moray Firth east of Banff.
Thickness: 300m+
Geographical Limits: Afforck, Gamrie Bay, Quaynane, Turriff to east of Banff.
Parent Unit: Inverness Sandstone Group (INS)
Previous Name(s): Findon Fish Bed (FINF)
Upper And Lower Findon Conglomerate (-922)
Findon Fish Bed (FINF)
Beds of 'Findon Group' [Obsolete Name and Code: Use GDC] (-278)
Alternative Name(s): none recorded or not applicable
Type Section  Cliff and shore section in Coral Haven on western side of Pennan Bay. 
Reference Section  Cliff and shore section at The Snook on eastern side of Gardenstown. 
Read, H H, 1923. Geology of the country around Banff, Huntly and Turriff, Lower Banffshire and north-west Aberdeenshire. Memoir of the Geological Survey, Scotland Sheets 86 and 96 (Scotland). 
Archer, R. 1978. The Old Red Sandstone outliers of Gamrie and Rhynie, Aberdeenshire. PhD thesis (University of Newcastle upon Tyne). Crovie Siltstone Formation on p. 17, West Harbour Formation on p. 35, New Harbour Siltstone Formation on p. 81 and Counter Head equivalent section on p. 85. 
1:50K maps on which the lithostratigraphical unit is found, and map code used:
S096 S086 S097