The BGS Lexicon of Named Rock Units — Result Details

Red Hill Limestone Formation

Computer Code: RHO Preferred Map Code: RHL
Status Code: Full
Age range: Arundian Substage (CJ) — Arundian Substage (CJ)
Lithological Description: Carbonate bioclastic, intraclastic and peloidid grainstones, coarse-grained and virtually structureless following bioturbation.
Definition of Lower Boundary: Taken at base of Algal Band in type locality and elsewhere; otherwise at upward change from fine-grained oolites/grainstones/carbonate mudstones of Martin Limestone to coarse-grained unbedded grainstone.
Definition of Upper Boundary: Base of overlying Dalton Formation.
Thickness: 20 to 60m
Geographical Limits: South Cumbria.
Parent Unit: Great Scar Limestone Group (GSCL)
Previous Name(s): Red Hill Oolite [Obsolete Name and Code: Use RHO] (-4860)
Alternative Name(s): none recorded or not applicable
Type Section  Red Hills Quarry, near Millom. (now partly filled in). 
Reference Section  Dunnerholme, Furness. (south-east end). 
Reference Section  Meathop Quarry, Grange-over-Sands. 
Johnson, E W, Soper, N J, Burgess, I C, Ball, D F, Beddoe-Stephens, B, Carruthers, R M, Fortey, N J, Hirons, S, Merritt, J W, Millward, D, Roberts, B, Walker, A B and Young, B. 2001. Geology of the country around Ulverston. Memoir of the British Geological Survey, England and Wales, Sheet 48. 
Dunham, K C and Rose, W C C. 1941. Geology of the iron-ore field of south Cumberland and Furness. Geological Survey of Great Britain, Wartime Pamphlet, No.16. 
Rose, W C C. 1977. Geology and Hematite deposits of South Cumbria. Economic Memoir for 1:50,000 Sheet 58 and southern part of Sheet 48. Memoir of the geological Survey of Great Britain. 
Nicholas, C. 1968. The stratigraphy and sedimentary petrology of the Lower Carboniferous rocks south west of the Lake District. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of London. 
1:50K maps on which the lithostratigraphical unit is found, and map code used: