PalaeoSaurus Search results single record view

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Registration No. : GSM 19369 . Type : Not Designated a Type
Identifications :
New:   Arthropoda: Trilobita  Phacops nexilis Salter  
Old:   Arthropoda: Trilobita  Phacops caudatus (Brunn) var nexilis Salter 
Old:   Arthropoda: Trilobita  Phacops caudatus Brunnich  
Locality : Vinnal Hill, Ludlow. 
Grid Reference : Available from curator Country : England 
1:50K map :    
Chronostratigraphy : Ludlow Epoch — Ludlow Epoch  
Collector / Donor : Available from curator
References :
Geol Surv Decade II  
Salter 1862 Pal Soc IV