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Registration No. : GSM 24783 . Type : Lectotype
Identifications :
Old:   Mollusca: Ammonoidea  Tiltoniceras acutum Tate  
New:   Mollusca: Ammonoidea  Tiltoniceras antiquum (Wright)  
Locality : Kings Sutton - Northants. 
Grid Reference : Available from curator Country : England 
1:50K map : 218    
Chronostratigraphy : Rhaetian Age — Aalenian Age  
Lithostratigraphy : LIAS GROUP 
Collector / Donor : Available from curator
References :
Geczy B 1967 Geol Hungarica Palaeontol 35  
Gabilly 1976 Toarcian a Thouars  
Schlegelmilch R 1976 Ammoniten der Suddentschen Lias  
Wright T 1884 Monogr Liassic ammonites of British Islands (as Harpoceras acutum (Tate)  
Howarth MK 1973 Bull BM (NH) Geol Vol 24  
Donovan DT 1954 Synoptic Supplement to Wright's Monograph 'Monogr Palaeontogr Soc (as Tiltoniceras acutum)  
Tate R 1875 Quart Journ Geol Soc London Vol 31 (as Ammonites acutus)