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Registration No. : GSM 37579 . Type : Holotype
Identifications :
Old:   Brachiopoda  Sowerbyella superstes  
Old:   Brachiopoda  Eoplectodonta duplicata (Sowerby, J de C)  
New:   Brachiopoda  Plectodonta superstes (Jones)  
Locality : Haverfordwest,Pembrokeshire 
Grid Reference : Available from curator Country : Wales 
1:50K map :    
Chronostratigraphy : Llandovery Epoch — Llandovery Epoch  
Collector / Donor : Available from curator
References :
Kozlowski, R 1929 Palaeontologia Polonica,tI  
Jones, OT 1928 Mem. Geol. Surv. Pal. 1 5 
Cocks, LRM 1970 Bull.BM (NH) vol. 19,no. 4 "Silurian Brachiopods of Superfam.Plectambonitae"