BGS rock collections - Search results

Map sheet search for Central Shetland (128)

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
thin section S28392 Flett,J.S. * Not entered Not entered
In field immediately behind Mousewall Farmhouse, Tingwall
thin section S28592, COLLNODH1635, Haldane,D. * Not entered 'Original entry: Porphyritic Bed In Schist'
S side of Selie Voe
thin section S28593, COLLNODH1654, Haldane,D. * Not entered 'Original entry: Felsite'
Ness of Gillarona, Muckle Roe
thin section S28594, COLLNODH1685, Haldane,D. * Not entered 'Original entry: Schist'
Burn of Lunklet (foot)
thin section S28595, COLLNODH1732, Haldane,D. * Not entered 'Original entry: Hornblendic Rock'
Knoll at N end of Smeela Water
thin section S28596, COLLNODH1733, Haldane,D. * Not entered 'Original entry: Hornblendic Rock'
E of N shore, Smeela Water
thin section S28597, COLLNODH1740, Haldane,D. * Not entered 'Original entry: Kyanite-Staurolite-Mica Schist'
SW slopes, Snelda Hill, Gonfirth
thin section S28598, S28598/A, COLLNODH1779, Haldane,D. * Not entered 'Original entry: Pyroxene-Hornblendite'
W Bay, Grobsness
thin section S28599, COLLNODH1812, Haldane,D. * Not entered 'Original entry: Harzburgite'
Shore at Wetherstanes
thin section S28600, COLLNODH1819, Haldane,D. * Not entered 'Original entry: Hypersthene Syenodiorite'
Bay N of Heveden Ness
thin section S28601, COLLNODH1855, Haldane,D. * Not entered 'Original entry: Biotite Tonalite, Contaminated'
SW slopes of Filli Field
thin section S28602, COLLNODH1860, Haldane,D. * Not entered 'Original entry: Biotite Amphibolite'
Burravoe Burn, bend at 'Lepers' Houses'
thin section S28603, COLLNODH1884, Haldane,D. * Not entered 'Original entry: Schist ?Complex'
Hog Sound, Neap
thin section S28604, COLLNODH1889, Haldane,D. * Not entered 'Original entry: Basic Igneous Rock'
Stany Hog, S end Neap
thin section S28605, COLLNODH1898, Haldane,D. * Not entered 'Original entry: Foliated Granite'
Stava Ness
thin section S28606, COLLNODH1923, Haldane,D. * Not entered 'Original entry: Knotted Basic Igneouis Rock'
N of Quoys Pier, Bellister
thin section S28608, COLLNODH2053, Haldane,D. * Not entered 'Original entry: Hornblende Gabbro'
N side, Scarfa Taing, Muckle Roe
thin section S28609, COLLNODH2067, Haldane,D. * Not entered 'Original entry: Spherulitic Cryptocrystalline Felsite'
W slopes Mid Ness, Muckle Roe
thin section S28612, COLLNODH2114, Haldane,D. * Not entered 'Original entry: Felsite'
SE side, Little Baa Geo, Muckle Roe
thin section S28613, COLLNODH2121, Haldane,D. * Not entered 'Original entry: Felsite, Spherulitic, Porphyritic'
Little Ness, Muckle Roe

Showing 321 - 340 of 1603