BGS rock collections - Search results

Map sheet search for Central Shetland (128)

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
thin section S55660, COLLNODH2284, Haldane,D.; Phemister,J.; *; *; Not entered 'Original entry: Quartz-Microdiorite'
Coast 100 yds S of Geo of Gunnavalla (about 1 mile WNW of Mavis Grind)
thin section S51546, COLLNOYC1641, Mykura,W. * Not entered 'Original entry: Felsite'
W shore of Seli Voe, 880 yds S 30 deg W of manse
thin section S51547, COLLNOYC1646, Mykura,W. * Not entered 'Original entry: Porphyritic Microgranodiorite (?Adamellite)'
Roadside 1440 yds S 6 deg W of Braens
thin section S51548, COLLNOYC1651, Mykura,W. * Not entered 'Original entry: Coarse Granite'
Laxa Burn, 400 yds SSW of Laxaburn
thin section S51549, COLLNOYC1653, Mykura,W. * Not entered 'Original entry: Fine-Grained Sub-Basic Dyke Rock'
Laxa Burn, 140 yds NNE of Laxaburn
thin section S51550, COLLNOYC1655, Mykura,W. * Not entered 'Original entry: Granophyre [Graphic Granite]'
W shore Bixter Voe, 240 yds SSE of Mosshouse
thin section S52261, COLLNOPS749, Sabine,P.A. * Not entered Not entered
SW shore, Selie Ness, Sound of Houban Setter
thin section S52262, COLLNOPS750, Sabine,P.A. * Not entered 'Original entry: Serpentinite'
Burn 550 yds S 5 deg E of Brough of Houlland, Tumblin
thin section S52263, COLLNOPS751, Sabine,P.A. * Not entered 'Original entry: Granitic Rock'
Burn 1020 yds S 28 deg W of Brough of Houlland, Tumblin
thin section S32809, COLLNOJK258, Knox,J. * Not entered Not entered
Coast 100 yds W of Kebister
thin section S32810, COLLNOJK280, Knox,J. * Not entered Not entered
Rova Head, 380 yds W of lighthouse
thin section S32886, COLLNOTR368, Robertson,T. * Not entered 'Original entry: Chlorite-Muscovite-Biotite Gneiss'
S1. Eastern point of Little Skerry
thin section S32887, COLLNOTR369, Robertson,T. * Not entered 'Original entry: Foliated Granite'
S7. Easternmost skerry of The Vongs
thin section S32888, COLLNOTR370, Robertson,T. * Not entered 'Original entry: Strained Feldspathic Quartzite'
S7. E side of Flukings Bight, 75 yds N of ancient ruin
thin section S32889, COLLNOTR371, Robertson,T. * Not entered 'Original entry: Injection Gneiss: Microcline Augen'
S5. Northern point of Inner Holm of Skaw
thin section S32890, COLLNOTR372, Robertson,T. * Not entered 'Original entry: Chlorite-Mica Schistwith Shimmer Aggregate'
S4. W side of easternmost islet, Outer Holm of Skaw
thin section S32891, COLLNOTR373, Robertson,T. * Not entered 'Original entry: Strained Quartzite'
S14. Geo on E side of N side of S Benelip
thin section S32892, COLLNOTR374, Robertson,T. * Not entered 'Original entry: Biotite-Microcline Schist'
Shore of Housay, W side of North Mouth, 880 yds NNE of school
thin section S32893, COLLNOTR375, Robertson,T. * Not entered 'Original entry: Mica-Silimanite Schist'
S9. Skerry 40 yds N of northernmost pint of Billia Skerry
thin section S32894, COLLNOTR376, Robertson,T. * Not entered 'Original entry: Hornblende-Pyroxene-Epidote-Microcline-Quartz'
S9. Skerry in South Mouth, just NW of Stoura Stack

Showing 401 - 420 of 1603