BGS rock collections - Search results

Map sheet search for Central Shetland (128)

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
thin section S45178, COLLNODH1448, Haldane,D.; Phemister,J.; *; *; Not entered 'Original entry: Microcline-Mica Schist'
Hill of Sandwick
thin section S45179, COLLNODH1449, Haldane,D.; Phemister,J.; *; *; Not entered 'Original entry: Mica-Oligoclase Gneiss'
Swining Burn, at Mucklamoor Park
thin section S45180, COLLNODH1032, Haldane,D.; Phemister,J.; *; *; Not entered 'Original entry: Garnetiferous Mica-Oligoclase Gneiss'
Ness of Setter, N point
thin section S45181, COLLNODH1066, Haldane,D.; Phemister,J.; *; *; Not entered 'Original entry: Oligoclase-Mica Gneiss'
SW of head of Grunna Voe
thin section S45182, COLLNODH1067, Haldane,D.; Phemister,J.; *; *; Not entered 'Original entry: Oligoclase-Mica Gneiss'
Shore, N of Grunna Voe
thin section S45183, COLLNODH1080, Haldane,D.; Phemister,J.; *; *; Not entered 'Original entry: Biotite-Andesine Gneiss'
Swarta Skerry
thin section S45250, S45250/A, Phemister,J.; Presentation to BGS; *; *; Not entered 'Original entry: Mica-Oligoclase-Andalusite Gneiss'
Burn of Laxobigging, c. 400 yds up from Snittradoo Burn
thin section S46408 Sabine,P.A. * Not entered 'Original entry: Gneissose Granite'
E headland of Little Ness ( E of Muckle Ness)
thin section S46409 Sabine,P.A. * Not entered 'Original entry: Gneissose Granite'
E headland of Little Ness ( E of Muckle Ness)
thin section S46410 Sabine,P.A. * Not entered 'Original entry: Permeation Gneiss'
Loura Voe, E side, 1300 yds from Laxfirth School
thin section S46411 Sabine,P.A. * Not entered Not entered
E headland of Little Ness ( E of Muckle Ness), 1 mile 140 yds E from Dyke of Dury
thin section S46412, MR26229, COLLNO5, Sabine,P.A. * Not entered Not entered
E headland of Little Ness ( E of Muckle Ness), 1 mile 170 yds E from Dyke of Dury (see 1902 1:10k map)
thin section S46415, COLLNOPS641, Sabine,P.A. * Not entered 'Original entry: Calcareous Band In Semipelitic Beds'
Coast, Dury Voe (Haa Buttons), 730 yds N of Ayre of Atler
thin section S34934 Haldane,D. * Not entered 'Original entry: Micaceous Quartz Schist'
Peninsula, W shore of Loch of Lunnister
thin section S34935 Haldane,D. * Not entered 'Original entry: Muscovite-Quartz-Albite Schist'
Deepburn, S of loch of Burraland
thin section S34936 Haldane,D. * Not entered 'Original entry: Amphibole-Magnetite Rock'
Clothister Hill, E end of Sample 9 (?S. 34876)
thin section S34938 Haldane,D. * Not entered 'Original entry: Amphibole-Magnetite Rock'
Clothister Hill, Trench 4
thin section S34939 Haldane,D. * Not entered 'Original entry: Epidote-Amphibole-Magnetite Rock'
Clothister Hill, Trench 4
thin section S34940, MR17475, Haldane,D. * Not entered 'Original entry: Pyritous Muscovite-Quartz Schist'
Burn of Vestavirdin, at S base of Clothister Hill
thin section S34941 Haldane,D. * Not entered 'Original entry: ?Mylonite From Acid Rock'
Burn of Vestavirdin, at S base of Clothister Hill

Showing 461 - 480 of 1603