BGS rock collections - Search results

Map sheet search for North Shetland ? (129)

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
thin section S25705, COLLNOCOLLNO, Not entered Not entered Not entered
North side of Ronas Hill
thin section S25706, COLLNOCOLLNO, Not entered Not entered Not entered
North side of Ronas Hill
thin section S25759, COLLNOCOLLNO, Not entered Not entered Not entered
The Borgs of Uyea
thin section S25762, COLLNOCOLLNO, Not entered Not entered 'Original entry: ?Spherulitic Pitchstone'
Northmaven, Shetland
thin section S25763, COLLNOCOLLNO, Not entered Not entered 'Original entry: ?Spherulitic Pitchstone'
Northmaven, Shetland
thin section S58510, COLLNODH2448, Haldane,D. * Not entered 'Original entry: Biotite Granodiorite'
Ness Head of Hamar, Northmaven
MR26764 Not entered Not entered 'Original entry: Reibeckite Felsite (Similar To Thet Of The Blue Dykes Of North Roe)'
Esha Ness, North Delting, Mainland

Showing 461 - 467 of 467