BGS rock collections - Search results

Map sheet search for North Uist (89)

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
thin section S35827 Davidson, C.F. * Not entered 'Original entry: Eclogite With Incipient Amphibolitisation'
Middle of Rudha Vallarip, Rodel
thin section S35828 Davidson, C.F. * Not entered 'Original entry: Pyroxene Granulite With Some Hypersthene And Abundant Hornblende Retrograded Fro'
700 yds N of Rodel Church
thin section S35829 Davidson, C.F. * Not entered 'Original entry: Pyroxene Granulite With Veins Rich In Retrograde Hornblende And Biotite'
Quarry at gate at SE entrance to Leverburgh
thin section S35830 Davidson, C.F. * Not entered 'Original entry: Eclogite; Incipient Amphibolitisation'
Roineval, 50 ft below col to Beinn na h-Aire, on S side
thin section S35831 Davidson, C.F. * Not entered 'Original entry: Quartz-Feldspar Granulite With Biotite And Hornblende (Orthogniess)'
Bluff on W side of Rodel to Finsbay road, opp. path to Lingarabay
thin section S35832 Davidson, C.F. * Not entered 'Original entry: Quartz-Feldspar Granulite With Biotite And Hornblende (? From Pyroxene, Iron Ore'
Ridge behind crofts at Rodel village 100 yds E of BM 70' on Rodel-Leverburgh road, 0.625 mile from Rodel Hotel
thin section S35833 Davidson, C.F. * Not entered 'Original entry: Hornblende Metagabbro (Vein In Anorthosite) With Large Garnets, Sphene, Apatite'
Rodel Old School
thin section S35834 Davidson, C.F. * Not entered 'Original entry: Anorthosite With Clots Of Partially Amphibolitised Pyroxene, Garnet And Kelyphit'
At BM 170 ft on Rodel-Finsbay road, due W of Lingarabay (N end)
thin section S67684, COLLNOZN1422, Fettes,D. * Not entered 'Original entry: Grey Gneiss'
Bridge on Loch Scadavay
thin section S67685, COLLNOZN1423, Fettes,D. * Not entered 'Original entry: Grey Gneiss'
Roadside, Sponish House road
thin section S72643, COLLNONX1142, Rock,N.M.S. * Not entered 'Original entry: Ca-Mg Silicate Rock'
NNW of Sletteval, S Harris
thin section S63115, COLLNOGX206, Mendum,J.R. * Not entered 'Original entry: Migmatitic Acid Gneiss'
SW coast of Scaravay Island, Sound of Harris
thin section S63010, COLLNOGX141, Mendum,J.R. * Not entered 'Original entry: Epidotic Phyllonite'
Rubha an Duine, Lochportain, N Uist
thin section S63074, COLLNOGX165, Mendum,J.R. * Not entered 'Original entry: Metasedimentary Rock'
Loch Eachkavat, South Harris
thin section S63075, COLLNOGX166, Mendum,J.R. * Not entered 'Original entry: Massive Tonalite'
Druim nan Caorach, Loch Langavat, S Harris
thin section S63076, COLLNOGX167, Mendum,J.R. * Not entered 'Original entry: Garnetiferous Metagabbro'
Allt Gleann Camire, Bleaval, S Harris
thin section S63077, COLLNOGX168, Mendum,J.R. * Not entered 'Original entry: Mylonitic Quartzofeldspathic Gneiss'
N end of Loch Langavat, S harris
thin section S63078, COLLNOGX169, Mendum,J.R. * Not entered 'Original entry: Peridotitic Ultrabasic Rock'
Loch na h-Uamha, near Sletteval, S Harris
thin section S63079, COLLNOGX170, Mendum,J.R. * Not entered 'Original entry: Garnetiferous Metasedimentary Rock'
Sletteval, S Harris
thin section S63080, COLLNOGX171, Mendum,J.R. * Not entered 'Original entry: Banded Impure Marble'
Bay Steinigie, near Borve, S Harris

Showing 461 - 480 of 713