BGS rock collections - Search results

Map sheet search for Ullapool (101)

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
thin section S37640, COLLNOPS351, Sabine,P.A. * Not entered 'Original entry: Vogesite'
Loch Urigill, promontory by Eilean Dubh
thin section S38820 Phemister,J. * Not entered Not entered
Loch a'Mhuillin, 2nd knoll (Shand)
thin section S38821 Phemister,J. * Not entered Not entered
Loch a'Mhuillin, 2nd knoll (Shand)
thin section S38822 Phemister,J. * Not entered Not entered
Allt a'Mhuillin, below Shand's
thin section S38823 Phemister,J. * Not entered Not entered
Allt a'Mhuillin, below flatter part
thin section S38824 Phemister,J. * Not entered Not entered
Allt a'Mhuillin, below flatter part
thin section S38825 Phemister,J. * Not entered Not entered
Allt a'Mhuillin, gorge
thin section S38826 Phemister,J. * Not entered 'Original entry: Leucodiorite'
Allt a'Mhuillin, gorge
thin section S38827 Phemister,J. * Not entered Not entered
Allt a'Mhuillin, gorge
thin section S38828 Phemister,J. * Not entered Not entered
Allt a'Mhuillin, knoll nearest road
thin section S38829 Phemister,J. * Not entered Not entered
Allt a'Mhuillin, knoll nearest road
thin section S38830 Phemister,J. * Not entered Not entered
Allt a'Mhuillin, knoll nearest road
thin section S38843 Phemister,J. * Not entered Not entered
N end of Ruighe Cnoc
thin section S2751, S2751/a, Peach, B.N. * Not entered 'Original entry: Schistose Amphibolite'
South slopes of Canisp, Assynt
thin section S2752, S2752/A, Peach, B.N. * Not entered 'Original entry: Hornblende Schist'
South slopes of Canisp, Assynt
thin section S2753 Peach, B.N. * Not entered 'Original entry: Amphibolite'
South slopes of Canisp, Assynt
thin section S2754, S2754/A, Peach, B.N. * Not entered 'Original entry: Hornblende Schist'
Loch Fada, Assynt
thin section S2755, S2755/A, Peach, B.N. * Not entered 'Original entry: Hornblende Schist'
Loch Fada, Assynt
thin section S2756, S2756/A, Peach, B.N. * Not entered 'Original entry: Hornblende Schist'
Near Loch Fada, Canisp, Assynt
thin section S2761 Peach, B.N. * Not entered 'Original entry: Melanite-?Biotite-(Pseudoleucite) Nepheline-Syenite'
1 mile E of Aultnacealgach

Showing 581 - 600 of 901