BGS rock collections - Search results

Map sheet search for North Uist (89)

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
MR17522, COLLNO52, Davidson, C.F. * Not entered 'Original entry: Biotite-Garnet-Amphibolite'
300yds SW of Leverburgh post office, South Harris
MR17523, COLLNO15, Davidson, C.F. * Not entered 'Original entry: Eclogite'
Coast 300yds W of eastmost point of Rudha Vallarip [Bhalairiop] Rodil, South Harris
MR17524, COLLNO75.2, Davidson, C.F. * Not entered 'Original entry: Anmphibolite'
Junction of Abhuinn Collam with Rodil-Finsbay road, approx. 1 1/2ml. NNE of Rodil, South Harris
MR17525, COLLNO72.2, Davidson, C.F. * Not entered 'Original entry: Garnetiferous Hornblende-Metagabbro With Kelyphite'
Scarp on S side of Beinn Tharsuinn, N of Leverburgh, South Harris
MR17526, COLLNO21, Davidson, C.F. * Not entered 'Original entry: Massive Jointed Tertiary Dyke (15ft) With Chilled Margins And Joints Filled With'
Quarry by side of Rodil-Finsbay road by BM 197.8, South Harris
MR17527, COLLNO18, Davidson, C.F. * Not entered 'Original entry: Epidotized Garnetiferous Metagabbro'
N side of Loch Vallarip [Bhalairiop], Rodilpark, Rodil, South Harris
MR17528, COLLNO26, Davidson, C.F. * Not entered 'Original entry: Epidotized & Sanssinitized Anorthosite'
80yds W of Loch nah'Uamba, Rodilpark, Rodil, South Harris
MR17529, COLLNO72.3, Davidson, C.F. * Not entered 'Original entry: Hornblendic Metagabbro With Large Garnets And With Feldspar Ocelli'
Scarp on S side of Beinn Tharsuinn, N of Leverburgh, South Harris
MR17530, COLLNO10, Davidson, C.F. * Not entered 'Original entry: Fine Grained Garnet Bearing Metadiorite(?)(With Abundant Apatite And Purple Zirc'
On coast 400yds W of westmost point of Rudha Vallarip [Bhalairiop] Rodil, South Harris
MR17531, COLLNO62, Davidson, C.F. * Not entered 'Original entry: Garnet-Hornblende-Biotite-Granulite(=Metagabbro)'
60yds NNW of N end of Loch an Duin Rodil, South Harris
MR17532, COLLNO6.1, Davidson, C.F. * Not entered 'Original entry: Garnet-Hornblende-Metagabbro'
150yds ENE od Dun, at side of Rodil-Finsbay road, Rodil, South Harris
MR17533, COLLNO6.2, Davidson, C.F. * Not entered 'Original entry: Garnet-Hornblende-Biotite-Metagabbro'
150yds ENE od Dun, at side of Rodil-Finsbay road, Rodil, South Harris
MR17534, COLLNO72.4, Davidson, C.F. * Not entered 'Original entry: Garnet-Hornblende-Metagabbro With Large Garnets'
Scarp on S side of Beinn Tharsuinn, N of Leverburgh, South Harris
thin section EMC185 Not entered Not entered 'Original entry: Graphic Granite'
North Uist
MR29191, COLLNODL65, Dearnley,R. * Not entered 'Original entry: Tourmaline Pegmatite'
North cliffs Crogary [Crogearraidh] Mor
thin section N12414, COLLNOSHA306, Barber, Anthony J. Emeritus Royal Holloway Collage * Not entered 'Original entry: Gabbroic Anorthosite'
thin section N12415, COLLNOSHA307, Barber, Anthony J. Emeritus Royal Holloway Collage * Not entered 'Original entry: Anorthosite'
Ha-cleit, lower north-west slopes
thin section N12416, COLLNOSHA310, Barber, Anthony J. Emeritus Royal Holloway Collage * Not entered 'Original entry: Anorthosite'
Glen Strondeval
thin section N12417, COLLNOSHA311, Barber, Anthony J. Emeritus Royal Holloway Collage * Not entered 'Original entry: Leucocratic Gabbro'
Glen Strondeval
thin section N12418, COLLNOSHA319, Barber, Anthony J. Emeritus Royal Holloway Collage * Not entered 'Original entry: Leucocratic Gabbro'
300 m N of lochan at head of Borvebeag Burn

Showing 601 - 620 of 713