BGS rock collections - Search results

Map sheet search for Eyemouth (34)

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
thin section S56534, COLLNOZG512, Greig,D.C. * Not entered Not entered
R Whiteadder, left bank 240 yd SSE of Ninewells
thin section S56535, COLLNOZG513, Greig,D.C. * Not entered Not entered
R Whiteadder, right bank 780 yd S of rail bridge
thin section S56536, COLLNOZG514, Greig,D.C. * Not entered Not entered
Stream, 1440 yd W by S of windpump, Oldcastles.
thin section S56543, COLLNOZG525, Greig,D.C. * Not entered Not entered
Coldingham Sands, 330 yd NNE of the Mount
thin section S56544, COLLNOZG526, Greig,D.C. * Not entered Not entered
Coldingham Sands, 330 yd NNE of the Mount
thin section S56545, COLLNOZG527, Greig,D.C. * Not entered Not entered
Coldingham Sands, 310 yd NNE of the Mount
COLLNO2586, ED4640, Not entered Not entered Ash (Tephra). 'Original entry: Ash'
SCOTLAND. Eyemouth (34)
COLLNO2587, ED4641, Not entered Not entered 'Original entry: Marc'
SCOTLAND. Eyemouth (34)
thin section ED4642 Not entered Not entered Not entered
SCOTLAND. Eyemouth (34)
thin section ED4643 Not entered Not entered Not entered
SCOTLAND. Eyemouth (34)
thin section S51878, COLLNOZG336, Greig,D.C. * Not entered Not entered
155yds SSE of High Water Mark, Callercove Point
thin section S51879, COLLNOZG337, Greig,D.C. * Not entered Not entered
215yds SSE of High Water Mark, Callercove Point
thin section S51870, COLLNOZG311, Greig,D.C. * Not entered Not entered
1520yds SE of E corner of North Wood
thin section S34400, COLLNO1, Phemister,J. * Not entered 'Original entry: Greywacke'
Old Cambus Quarry, near Cockburnspath
thin section S34725, COLLNO1(74), Road Research Laboratory * Not entered 'Original entry: Gritty Sandstone / Greywacke'
Brockholes Quarry, Grantshouse
thin section S34726, COLLNO2(75), Road Research Laboratory * Not entered 'Original entry: Tuffaceous Grit'
Deanfoot Quarry, Grantshouse
thin section S35246, COLLNO3A, Road Stone Museum * Not entered 'Original entry: Grit'
Old Cambus Quarry, near Cockburnspath
thin section S41481, COLLNOXU212, Goodlet,G.A. * Not entered Not entered
Water Bore, Oldcastles Farm, near Chirnside. Depth 22 fathoms.
thin section S41701, COLLNOU1177, Phemister,J. * Not entered Not entered
Shore (Bay) north of Eyemouth.
thin section S52489, COLLNOZG431, Greig,D.C. * Not entered Not entered
Milldown Point, c1050yds S by E of St Abb's Church

Showing 621 - 640 of 768