BGS rock collections - Search results

Map sheet search for Dartmoor Forest (338)

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
thin section E13724, COLLNO1171, Mcmahan * Not entered Granite. 'Original entry: Granite'
Large quarry at Princetown, 2 miles from station, on railway.
thin section E13725, COLLNO1174, Mcmahan * Not entered Not entered
Quarry on Roxborough Downs, W. of G.W.R. at Yelverton.
thin section E13726, COLLNO1175, Mcmahan * Not entered Not entered
ENGLAND. Dartmoor Forest (338)
thin section E13766, COLLNO1230, Mcmahan * Not entered 'Original entry: Sericitic Mudstone'
Flank of Cock's Tor.
thin section E13767, COLLNO1231, Mcmahan * Not entered 'Original entry: Altered Tuff. Coarse Pyroxene Hornfels'
ENGLAND. Dartmoor Forest (338)
thin section E13768, COLLNO1232, Mcmahan * Not entered 'Original entry: Altered Tuff. Recrystalised Siltstone With Pyroxene'
ENGLAND. Dartmoor Forest (338)
thin section E13769, COLLNO1233, Mcmahan * Not entered 'Original entry: Altered Tuff. Pyroxene Hornfels'
ENGLAND. Dartmoor Forest (338)
thin section E13770, COLLNO1234, Mcmahan * Not entered 'Original entry: Altered Tuff. Pyroxene Hornfels'
ENGLAND. Dartmoor Forest (338)
thin section E13771, COLLNO1235, Mcmahan * Not entered 'Original entry: Altered Tuff. Recrystalised Siltstone With Pyroxene'
ENGLAND. Dartmoor Forest (338)
thin section E13772, COLLNO1236, Mcmahan * Not entered 'Original entry: Volcanic Rock'
Tavistock district, on road to Sowton Town.
thin section E13773, COLLNO1237, Mcmahan * Not entered 'Original entry: Volcanic Rock'
Tavistock district, on road to Sowton Town.
thin section E13774, COLLNO1238, Mcmahan * Not entered 'Original entry: Volcanic Rock'
Left bank of The River Tavy, above and close to the bridge on the way back from Sowton Town.
thin section E13775, COLLNO1239, Mcmahan * Not entered 'Original entry: Volcanic Rock'
Left bank of The River Tavy, above and close to the bridge on the way back from Sowton Town.
thin section E13776, COLLNO1241, Mcmahan * Not entered Metabasaltic-Rock. 'Original entry: Epidiorite'
Cottage Inn below bridge.
thin section E21150, COLLNO29) 82, Road Research Laboratory * Not entered Metabasaltic-Rock. 'Original entry: Epidiorite'
Wilminstone Quarry, Tavistock.
thin section E21269, COLLNO177, Road Research Laboratory * Not entered Limestone. 'Original entry: Limestone'
Badcocks Quarry, Ashburton.
thin section E21799 Shannon,W.G. * Not entered 'Original entry: Hornfelsed Dolerite'
Flank of Black Hill on E. Haytor.
thin section E11483 Smith, H.G * Not entered Lamprophyres. 'Original entry: Lamprophyre'
Lurgecombe Hill, Ashburton.
thin section E11484, E11484/A, Smith, H.G * Not entered Lamprophyres. 'Original entry: Lamprophyre'
Lurgecombe Hill, Ashburton.
MR32036 Hawkes,J.R. * Not entered 'Original entry: Granite'
Quarry name: Swelltor (Lower Main) Quarry: at 2.7 km 260 deg. from Princetown Church, Dartmoor

Showing 681 - 700 of 1177