BGS rock collections - Search results

Map sheet search for North Uist (89)

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
thin section N12374, COLLNOBH3 27', Barber, Anthony J. Emeritus Royal Holloway Collage * Not entered Not entered
Robertson Research BH no. 3 [NG08SE/3], depth 27 ft
thin section N12375, COLLNOBH3 29', Barber, Anthony J. Emeritus Royal Holloway Collage * Not entered Not entered
Robertson Research BH no. 3 [NG08SE/3], depth 29 ft
thin section N12376, COLLNOBH3 47', Barber, Anthony J. Emeritus Royal Holloway Collage * Not entered Not entered
Robertson Research BH no. 3 [NG08SE/3] depth 47 ft
thin section N12377, COLLNOBH3 69', Barber, Anthony J. Emeritus Royal Holloway Collage * Not entered Not entered
Robertson Research BH no. 3 [NG08SE/3], depth 69 ft
thin section N12378, COLLNOBH3 71' 6", Barber, Anthony J. Emeritus Royal Holloway Collage * Not entered 'Original entry: Gabbroic Anorthosite'
Robertson Research BH no. 3 [NG08SE/3], depth 71 ft 6 in
thin section N12379, COLLNOBH3 76' 6", Barber, Anthony J. Emeritus Royal Holloway Collage * Not entered Not entered
Robertson Research BH no. 3 [NG08SE/3], depth 76 ft 6 in
thin section N12380, COLLNOBH3 8' 6", Barber, Anthony J. Emeritus Royal Holloway Collage * Not entered Not entered
Robertson Research BH no. 3 [NG08SE/3], depth 8 ft 6 inches
thin section N12381, COLLNOBH3 82', Barber, Anthony J. Emeritus Royal Holloway Collage * Not entered Not entered
Robertson Research BH no. 3 [NG08SE/3], depth 82 ft
thin section N12382, COLLNOBH3 9', Barber, Anthony J. Emeritus Royal Holloway Collage * Not entered Not entered
Robertson Research BH no. 3 [NG08SE/3], depth 9 ft
thin section N12383, COLLNOBH3 P1, Barber, Anthony J. Emeritus Royal Holloway Collage * Not entered Not entered
Robertson Research BH no. 3 [NG08SE/3]
thin section N12384, COLLNOSHA12, Barber, Anthony J. Emeritus Royal Holloway Collage * Not entered 'Original entry: Garnet-Pyroxene-Plagioclase-Hornblende Gneiss'
Lower anorthosite zone, Ha-cleit
thin section N12385, COLLNOSHA125A, Barber, Anthony J. Emeritus Royal Holloway Collage * Not entered 'Original entry: Anorthosite'
Lower anorthosite zone, Ha-cleit
thin section N12386, COLLNOSHA125B, Barber, Anthony J. Emeritus Royal Holloway Collage * Not entered 'Original entry: Anorthosite'
Lower anorthosite zone, Ha-cleit
thin section N12372, COLLNOBH3 25' 6", Barber, Anthony J. Emeritus Royal Holloway Collage * Not entered Not entered
Robertson Research BH no. 3 [NG08SE/3], depth 25 ft 6 in
thin section N12442, COLLNOSHA362, Barber, Anthony J. Emeritus Royal Holloway Collage * Not entered 'Original entry: Anorthosite'
Lower anorthosite zone, Ha-cleit
thin section N12360, COLLNOSH1548, Barber, Anthony J. Emeritus Royal Holloway Collage * Not entered 'Original entry: Garnet Hornblendite'
Rodelpark, South Harris
thin section N12444, COLLNOSHA365, Barber, Anthony J. Emeritus Royal Holloway Collage * Not entered 'Original entry: Anorthosite'
Lower anorthosite zone, Ha-cleit
thin section N12445, COLLNOSHA366, Barber, Anthony J. Emeritus Royal Holloway Collage * Not entered 'Original entry: Anorthosite'
Ha-cleit, 200 m SE of summit, near Headal
thin section N12446, COLLNOSHA368, Barber, Anthony J. Emeritus Royal Holloway Collage * Not entered 'Original entry: Leucocratic Gabbro'
Ha-cleit, 200 m SE of summit, near Headal
thin section N12447, COLLNOSHA370, Barber, Anthony J. Emeritus Royal Holloway Collage * Not entered 'Original entry: Anorthosite'
Ha-cleit, 200 m SE of summit, near Headal

Showing 681 - 700 of 713