BGS rock collections - Search results

Country search for CAMBODIA

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
MR33969, COLLNOJB74, Berrange, Dr.J.P. * 1977 Basalt. 'Original entry: Basalt'
Phnum O Tang. GR 363 264. Cambodia 1:50,000 Series L708 Pailin 5549iv,surface exposure,See Berrang� & Jobbins, IGS Overseas Div. Rep. No. 35. Geology & Gemmology of Pailin Gemfield.,Cambodia
thin section MR33970, F7842, COLLNOJB76, Berrange, Dr.J.P. * 1977 Gabbro. 'Original entry: Gabbro'
Hill E of road Pailin-Battambang. GR 436 198. Cambodia 1:50,000 Series L708 Pailin 5549iv,surface exposure,See Berrang� & Jobbins, IGS Overseas Div. Rep. No. 35. Geology & Gemmology of Pailin Gemfield.,Cambodia
thin section MR33971, F7843, COLLNOJB77, Berrange, Dr.J.P. * 1977 Gabbro. 'Original entry: Gabbro'
Hill E of road Pailin-Battambang. GR 436 198. Cambodia 1:50,000 Series L708 Pailin 5549iv,surface exposure,See Berrang� & Jobbins, IGS Overseas Div. Rep. No. 35. Geology & Gemmology of Pailin Gemfield.,Cambodia
MR33972, COLLNOJB78, Berrange, Dr.J.P. * 1977 Chert. 'Original entry: Chert'
Side of hill E of Route 10, Pailin-Battambang. GR 438 200. Cambodia 1:50,000 Series L708 Pailin 5549iv,surface exposure,See Berrang� & Jobbins, IGS Overseas Div. Rep. No. 35. Geology & Gemmology of Pailin Gemfield.,Cambodia
MR33973, COLLNOJB79, Berrange, Dr.J.P. * 1977 Igneous-Rock (Undifferentiated). 'Original entry: Phanite'
Side of hill E of Route 10, Pailin-Battambang. GR 438 200. Cambodia 1:50,000 Series L708 Pailin 5549iv,surface exposure,See Berrang� & Jobbins, IGS Overseas Div. Rep. No. 35. Geology & Gemmology of Pailin Gemfield.,Cambodia
MR33974, COLLNOJB80, Berrange, Dr.J.P. * 1977 Limestone. 'Original entry: Limestone'
Side of hill E of Route 10, Pailin-Battambang. GR 438 200. Cambodia 1:50,000 Series L708 Pailin 5549iv,surface exposure,See Berrang� & Jobbins, IGS Overseas Div. Rep. No. 35. Geology & Gemmology of Pailin Gemfield.,Cambodia
MR33975, COLLNOJB81, Berrange, Dr.J.P. * 1977 Igneous-Rock (Undifferentiated). 'Original entry: Phanite'
Zone 1 Coffee Plantation, near Pailin. GR 378 223. Cambodia 1:50,000 Series L708 Pailin 5549iv,surface exposure,See Berrang� & Jobbins, IGS Overseas Div. Rep. No. 35. Geology & Gemmology of Pailin Gemfield.,Cambodia
thin section MR33976, F7844, COLLNOJB82, Berrange, Dr.J.P. * 1977 Basalt. 'Original entry: Basalt'
Zone 1 Coffee Plantation, near Pailin. SW side of basalt plug. GR 375 214. Cambodia 1:50,000 Series L708 Pailin 5549iv,surface exposure,See Berrang� & Jobbins, IGS Overseas Div. Rep. No. 35. Geology & Gemmology of Pailin Gemfield. See also
MR33977, COLLNOJB83, Berrange, Dr.J.P. * 1977 Basalt. 'Original entry: Basalt'
Zone 1 Coffee Plantation, near Pailin. SW side of basalt plug. GR 375 214. Cambodia 1:50,000 Series L708 Pailin 5549iv,surface exposure,See Berrang� & Jobbins, IGS Overseas Div. Rep. No. 35. Geology & Gemmology of Pailin Gemfield. See also
thin section MR33978, F8061, COLLNOJB84, Berrange, Dr.J.P. * 1977 Basalt. 'Original entry: Basalt'
Zone 1 Coffee Plantation, near Pailin. SW side of basalt plug. GR 375 214. Cambodia 1:50,000 Series L708 Pailin 5549iv,surface exposure,See Berrang� & Jobbins, IGS Overseas Div. Rep. No. 35. Geology & Gemmology of Pailin Gemfield. See also
thin section MR33979, F7845, COLLNOJB86, Berrange, Dr.J.P. * 1977 Limestone, Dolomitic . 'Original entry: Dolomitic Limestone'
Zone 1 Coffee Plantation, near Pailin. S side of airstrip. GR 385 220. Cambodia 1:50,000 Series L708 Pailin 5549iv,surface exposure,See Berrang� & Jobbins, IGS Overseas Div. Rep. No. 35. Geology & Gemmology of Pailin Gemfield.,Cambodia
thin section MR33980, F7847, COLLNOJB87, Berrange, Dr.J.P. * 1977 Lithic-Wacke. 'Original entry: Greywacke'
Trail between O Beng Krom & Phnum Thom. GR 387 265. Cambodia 1:50,000 Series L708 Pailin 5549iv,surface exposure,See Berrang� & Jobbins, IGS Overseas Div. Rep. No. 35. Geology & Gemmology of Pailin Gemfield.,Cambodia
thin section MR33981, F7846, COLLNOJB88, Berrange, Dr.J.P. * 1977 Granodiorite, Hornblende-Biotite. 'Original entry: Hornblende Granodiorite'
On track S of Phnum Thom, Pailin. GR 373 267. Cambodia 1:50,000 Series L708 Pailin 5549iv,surface exposure,See Berrang� & Jobbins, IGS Overseas Div. Rep. No. 35. Geology & Gemmology of Pailin Gemfield.,Cambodia
thin section MR33982, F7848, COLLNOJB94, Berrange, Dr.J.P. * 1977 Basalt. 'Original entry: Basalt'
Phnum O Tang, S. side of crater rim on tractor track. GR 364 259. Cambodia 1:50,000 Series L708 Pailin 5549iv,surface exposure,See Berrang� & Jobbins, IGS Overseas Div. Rep. No. 35. Geology & Gemmology of Pailin Gemfield.,Cambodia
MR33983, COLLNOJB95, Berrange, Dr.J.P. * 1977 Basalt. 'Original entry: Basalt'
Phnum O Tang, NE rim of crater on tractor road. GR 366 264. Cambodia 1:50,000 Series L708 Pailin 5549iv,surface exposure,See Berrang� & Jobbins, IGS Overseas Div. Rep. No. 35. Geology & Gemmology of Pailin Gemfield.,Cambodia
thin section MR33984, F8062, COLLNOJB96, Berrange, Dr.J.P. * 1977 Basalt. 'Original entry: Basalt'
Phnum O Tang, NE rim of crater on tractor road. GR 366 264. Cambodia 1:50,000 Series L708 Pailin 5549iv,surface exposure,See Berrang� & Jobbins, IGS Overseas Div. Rep. No. 35. Geology & Gemmology of Pailin Gemfield.,Cambodia
MR33985, COLLNOJB97, Berrange, Dr.J.P. * 1977 Basalt. 'Original entry: Basalt'
Phnum O Tang, E rim of crater on tractor road. GR 366 263. Cambodia 1:50,000 Series L708 Pailin 5549iv,surface exposure,See Berrang� & Jobbins, IGS Overseas Div. Rep. No. 35. Geology & Gemmology of Pailin Gemfield.,Cambodia
MR33986, COLLNOJB98, Berrange, Dr.J.P. * 1977 Basalt. 'Original entry: Basalt'
Phnum O Tang, E rim of crater on tractor road. GR 366 263. Cambodia 1:50,000 Series L708 Pailin 5549iv,surface exposure,See Berrang� & Jobbins, IGS Overseas Div. Rep. No. 35. Geology & Gemmology of Pailin Gemfield.,Cambodia
MR33987, COLLNOJB99, Berrange, Dr.J.P. * 1977 Basalt. 'Original entry: Basalt'
Phnum O Tang, centre of crater on trail just N of 'Big Spinel Working', Pailin. GR 364 263. Cambodia 1:50,000 Series L708 Pailin 5549iv,surface exposure,See Berrang� & Jobbins, IGS Overseas Div. Rep. No. 35. Geology & Gemmology of Pailin Ge
thin section MR33988, F7849, COLLNOJB100, Berrange, Dr.J.P. * 1977 Psammite, Epidotic. 'Original entry: Epidosite'
Phnum O Tang, inside N rim of crater, Pailin. GR 364 264. Cambodia 1:50,000 Series L708 Pailin 5549iv,surface exposure,See Berrang� & Jobbins, IGS Overseas Div. Rep. No. 35. Geology & Gemmology of Pailin Gemfield.,Cambodia

Showing 41 - 60 of 118