BGS rock collections - Search results

Country search for ITALY

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
MR11852 Not entered Not entered Ash (Tephra). 'Original entry: Ash'
Section of new road behind Naples,surface exposure,Italy
MR12034 Not entered Not entered Gneiss. 'Original entry: Gneiss'
Baveno, Lago Maggiore,surface exposure,Italy
MR8468 Not entered Not entered Trachyte. 'Original entry: Trachyte (Piperno)'
Pianura, Naples,surface exposure,Italy
MR8476 Not entered Not entered 'Original entry: Leucite Basanite'
Lava from Vesuvius (eruption April 22 1872
MR8478 Not entered Not entered Leucitic-Rock. 'Original entry: Leucitite'
Fontana di Papa, Strada d'Albano, Rome,surface exposure,Italy
MR8480 Not entered Not entered Leucitic-Rock. 'Original entry: Leucitite'
Colle del Erimita, Mte Compatri, Rome,surface exposure,Italy
MR5453 Not entered Not entered Trachyte. 'Original entry: Trachyte'
Astroni, Naples,surface exposure,Italy
MR5457 Not entered Not entered Trachyte. 'Original entry: Trachyte Containing Sodalite'
Monte Vetta, Ischia,surface exposure,Italy
MR5459 Not entered Not entered Trachyte. 'Original entry: Trachyte'
Montselice, Euganaen Mountains, Northern Italy,surface exposure,Italy
MR5460 Not entered Not entered Trachyte. 'Original entry: Trachyte'
Monte Catini,surface exposure,Italy
MR5461 Not entered Not entered Trachyte. 'Original entry: Trachyte (Sodalite-Trachyte)'
Scarrupata, Ischia,surface exposure,Italy
MR5462 Not entered Not entered Trachyte. 'Original entry: Trachyte (Sodalite-Trachyte)'
Monte Tabor, Ischia,surface exposure,Italy
MR5463 Not entered Not entered Trachyte. 'Original entry: Trachyte'
Monte Olebano, Naples,surface exposure,Italy
MR5464 Not entered Not entered Trachyte. 'Original entry: Trachyte'
Euganaen Mountains,surface exposure,Italy
MR5482 Not entered Not entered Andesite. 'Original entry: Mica Hypersthene Andesite'
Monte Capucini, Vitenbo,surface exposure,Italy
MR8907 Not entered Not entered Tuff, Basaltic. 'Original entry: Basalt Tuff - Palagonite Tuff'
Aci-Castello, Sicily,surface exposure,Italy
MR8939 Not entered Not entered Igneous-Rock (Undifferentiated). 'Original entry: Augite'
Vesuvius,surface exposure,Italy
MR8968 Not entered Not entered Porphyry. 'Original entry: Porphyr'
Monte Somma, Italy,surface exposure,Italy
MR8975 Not entered Not entered Ironstone. 'Original entry: Meionite And Leucite'
Monte Somma, Italy,surface exposure,Italy
MR7593 Not entered Not entered Lava (Undifferentiated). 'Original entry: Lava'
Monti Silvestri, Mount Etna (1892 eruption),surface exposure,Italy

Showing 321 - 340 of 406