BGS rock collections - Search results

Country search for RUSSIA

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
F405, COLLNO12f, Jackson-Harmsworth Arctic Expedition 1894-97 * Not entered 'Original entry: Basalt (Dolerite) (T)'
Lower tier of Gully Rocks, Cape Flora, Northbrook Island
F406, COLLNO14f, Jackson-Harmsworth Arctic Expedition 1894-97 * Not entered 'Original entry: Altered Basalt (T)'
Lower tier of Gully Rocks, Cape Flora, Northbrook Island
F407, COLLNO11w, Jackson-Harmsworth Arctic Expedition 1894-97 * Not entered 'Original entry: Basalt (Common Type) (T)'
1/2ml. NW of Elmwood, Cape Flora, Northbrook Island
F408, COLLNO27w, Jackson-Harmsworth Arctic Expedition 1894-97 * Not entered 'Original entry: ?'
Found loose high up on talus at back of Elmwood, Cape Flora, Northbrook Island
F409, COLLNO43w, Jackson-Harmsworth Arctic Expedition 1894-97 * Not entered 'Original entry: Black Chert With Brown Surface (T)'
On W glacier to N of Cape Flora, Northbrook Island
F410, COLLNO43w, Jackson-Harmsworth Arctic Expedition 1894-97 * Not entered 'Original entry: Black Patches Sometimes Showing Structure Of Wood (T)'
On W glacier to N of Cape Flora, Northbrook Island
F411, COLLNO53w, Jackson-Harmsworth Arctic Expedition 1894-97 * Not entered 'Original entry: Phosphatic Nodule (T)'
Cape Flora, Northbrook Island
F412, COLLNO11e, Jackson-Harmsworth Arctic Expedition 1894-97 * Not entered 'Original entry: Black Flint (T)'
Bates Channel, Bruce Island
F413, COLLNO7p, Jackson-Harmsworth Arctic Expedition 1894-97 * Not entered 'Original entry: Brown Laminated Siliceous Rock ( Fern On Surface) (T)'
S end of Windy Gully, Cape Flora, Northbrook Island
F414, COLLNO7p, Jackson-Harmsworth Arctic Expedition 1894-97 * Not entered 'Original entry: Brown Laminated Siliceous Rock (With Leaf Of Ginkgo) (T)'
S end of Windy Gully, Cape Flora, Northbrook Island
F417, COLLNO31w, Jackson-Harmsworth Arctic Expedition 1894-97 * Not entered 'Original entry: Brown Sandy Rock With Impression Of Fern (T)'
Summit of Cape Flora, Northbrook Island
F418, COLLNO9l, Jackson-Harmsworth Arctic Expedition 1894-97 * Not entered 'Original entry: Pebble Of Radiolarian Chert'
Cape Gertrude, Northbrook Island
F419, COLLNO6e, Jackson-Harmsworth Arctic Expedition 1894-97 * Not entered 'Original entry: Cone Of Conifer (Etn & T)'
Found on present shore of south 'spit' of Cape Forbes, in Baxter's Bay between it and Cape Stephen
F420 Jackson-Harmsworth Arctic Expedition 1894-97 * Not entered 'Original entry: (T)'
? (? Franz Josef Land)
F424, COLLNO5w, Jackson-Harmsworth Arctic Expedition 1894-97 * Not entered 'Original entry: Silicified Carboniferous Plant Remains (T)'
From talus, Cape Flora, Northbrook Island
F425, COLLNO47w, Jackson-Harmsworth Arctic Expedition 1894-97 * Not entered 'Original entry: Silicified Carboniferous Plant Remains (T)'
From talus, Cape Flora, Northbrook Island
F426, COLLNO1e, Jackson-Harmsworth Arctic Expedition 1894-97 * Not entered 'Original entry: Granite (T)'
From upper terraces of raised beach Cape Mary Harmsworth, Alexandra Land
F427, COLLNO1e, Jackson-Harmsworth Arctic Expedition 1894-97 * Not entered 'Original entry: Granite (T)'
From upper terraces of raised beach Cape Mary Harmsworth, Alexandra Land
F428, COLLNO1e, Jackson-Harmsworth Arctic Expedition 1894-97 * Not entered 'Original entry: Granite (T)'
From upper terraces of raised beach Cape Mary Harmsworth, Alexandra Land
F429, COLLNO1e, Jackson-Harmsworth Arctic Expedition 1894-97 * Not entered 'Original entry: Granite (T)'
From upper terraces of raised beach Cape Mary Harmsworth, Alexandra Land

Showing 41 - 60 of 91