BGS rock collections - Search results

Country search for SWITZERLAND

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
thin section MR10134, F3638, Not entered 1933 Hornblende-Schist. 'Original entry: Hornblende Schist'
Gravasalvas, Silsersee,surface exposure,Platta Nappe,Switzerland
thin section MR10133, F3637, Not entered 1933 Amphibolite. 'Original entry: Amphibolite, Fine Grained'
Zernez,surface exposure,Silvretta Nappe,Switzerland
thin section MR10132, F3635, Not entered 1933 Semipelite, Phyllitic. 'Original entry: Quartz-Phyllite'
Silsersee,surface exposure,Mangna Nappe; also section F3636,Switzerland
thin section MR10131, F3634, Not entered 1933 'Original entry: Gneiss, With Epidote & Quartz'
Maloja,surface exposure,Mangna Nappe,Switzerland
thin section MR10130, F3633, Not entered 1933 Schist. 'Original entry: Muscovite-Chlorite-Schist (Mylonitic)'
Pontresina,surface exposure,Bernina Nappe,Switzerland
thin section MR10129, F3631, Not entered 1933 Mylonite. 'Original entry: Mylonite'
Pontresina,surface exposure,Bernina Nappe; also section F3632,Switzerland
thin section MR10128, F3630, Not entered 1933 Porphyry. 'Original entry: Quartz Porphyry (Porphyroid)'
Lej Giaz�l, Sils Baselgia,surface exposure,Bernina Nappe,Switzerland
thin section MR10127, F3629, Not entered 1933 Granodiorite. 'Original entry: Granodiorite (Banatite)'
Pontresina,surface exposure,Bernina Nappe,Switzerland
thin section MR10126, F3628, Not entered 1933 Granite. 'Original entry: Cataclastic Granite'
Morteratsch,surface exposure,Bernina Nappe,Switzerland
thin section MR10125, F3627, Not entered 1933 Granite. 'Original entry: Granite'
Val Roseg,surface exposure,Err Nappe,Switzerland
thin section MR10124, F3626, Not entered 1933 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
Pontresina,surface exposure,Bernina Nappe,Switzerland
thin section MR10123, F3625, Not entered 1933 'Original entry: Hornblende-Diorite'
La Tscheppa, Silvaplanersee,surface exposure,Bernina Nappe,Switzerland
thin section MR10122, F3624, Not entered 1933 Granodiorite. 'Original entry: Granodiorite'
La ?Gappa, Silsersee,surface exposure,Bernina Nappe,Switzerland
thin section MR10121, F3623, Not entered 1933 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
Bevers,surface exposure,Albula-Err Nappe,Switzerland
thin section MR10120, F3622, Not entered 1933 'Original entry: Biotite Granodiorite'
Morteratsch,surface exposure,Bernina Nappe,Switzerland
thin section MR10119, F3621, Not entered 1933 Granodiorite, Hornblende-Biotite. 'Original entry: Hornblende Granodiorite'
Pontresina,surface exposure,Bernina Nappe,Switzerland
thin section MR10118, F3620, Not entered 1933 Schist. 'Original entry: Schist'
Brussoley, Val de Bagnes,surface exposure,St Bernard Nappe,Switzerland
thin section MR10117, F3619, Not entered 1933 'Original entry: Chlorite Prasinite'
Fionnay, Val de Bagnes,surface exposure,St Bernard Nappe,Switzerland
thin section MR10116, F3617, Not entered 1933 'Original entry: Sericite Glaucophane Prasinite'
Fionnay, Val de Bagnes,surface exposure,St Bernard Nappe; also section F3618,Switzerland
thin section MR10115, F4799, Not entered 1933 Gneiss. 'Original entry: Gnss'
Fionnay, Val de Bagnes,surface exposure,St Bernard Nappe,Switzerland

Showing 81 - 100 of 200