BGS rock collections - Search results

Country search for UNITED KINGDOM

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
MR8359 Not entered 1910 Syenitic-Rock. 'Original entry: Syenite'
Aberdeen, Scotland,surface exposure,UK
MR9327 Not entered 1932 Limestone. 'Original entry: Black Limestone, Posidonomya Beds, "Poolvash Black Marble"'
390 yards S of Poyllvaaish,
MR9331 Not entered 1932 Limestone. 'Original entry: Black Limestone, Posidonomya Beds, "Poolvash Black Marble"'
390 yards S of Poyllvaaish,
thin section ENQ316 Enquiry * 1940 'Original entry: Barnclose Limestone (Powder)'
Detailed locality not known
MR19961 Not entered 1954 Siltstone, Micaceous. 'Original entry: Micaceous Siltstone'
not recorded,marine sample,QJGS Vol 110 1954 p81,English Channel
MR19976 Not entered 1954 Mudstone. 'Original entry: Marl'
not recorded,marine sample,QJGS Vol 110 1954,English Channel
thin section MR19975, F6281, Not entered 1954 Limestone. 'Original entry: Limestone'
not recorded,marine sample,QJGS Vol 110 1954,English Channel
thin section MR19974, F6280, Not entered 1954 Mudstone. 'Original entry: Shale'
not recorded,marine sample,QJGS Vol 110 1954,English Channel
MR19973 Not entered 1954 Mudstone. 'Original entry: Shale'
not recorded,marine sample,QJGS Vol 110 1954,English Channel
MR19972 Not entered 1954 Mudstone. 'Original entry: Shale'
not recorded,marine sample,QJGS Vol 110 1954,English Channel
MR19971 Not entered 1954 Mudstone. 'Original entry: Shale With Mica'
not recorded,marine sample,QJGS Vol 110 1954,English Channel
MR19970 Not entered 1954 Chalk. 'Original entry: Chalk'
not recorded,marine sample,QJGS Vol 110 1954,English Channel
MR19969 Not entered 1954 Chalk. 'Original entry: Chalk'
not recorded,marine sample,QJGS Vol 110 1954,English Channel
MR19968 Not entered 1954 Granite. 'Original entry: Granite'
not recorded,marine sample,QJGS Vol 110 1954,English Channel
MR19967 Not entered 1954 Clay (Undifferentiated). 'Original entry: Clay'
not recorded,marine sample,QJGS Vol 110 1954 p.90,English Channel
MR19966 Not entered 1954 Siltstone (Undifferentiated). 'Original entry: Siltstone'
not recorded,marine sample,QJGS Vol 110 1954 p.81,English Channel
MR19965 Not entered 1954 Clay (Undifferentiated). 'Original entry: Clay'
not recorded,marine sample,QJGS Vol 110 1954,English Channel
MR19964 Not entered 1954 Chalk. 'Original entry: Chalky Material'
not recorded,marine sample,QJGS Vol 110 1954,English Channel
MR19963 Not entered 1954 Siltstone, Calcareous . 'Original entry: Calcareous Siltstone'
not recorded,marine sample,QJGS Vol 110 1954,English Channel
MR19962 Not entered 1954 Siltstone, Micaceous. 'Original entry: Micaceous Siltstone'
not recorded,marine sample,QJGS Vol 110 1954 p81,English Channel

Showing 1 - 20 of 1668