BGS rock collections - Search results

Country search for ZIMBABWE

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
MR24798 Not entered 1961 Microgranite. 'Original entry: Microgranite Aggregate'
Mile 35, Victoria Falls - Wankie Road, Southern Rhodesia,surface exposure,Zimbabwe
MR24797 Not entered 1961 Quartzite. 'Original entry: Quartzite Aggregate'
Kentucky Airport, Southern Rhodesia,surface exposure,Zimbabwe
MR24796 Not entered 1961 Tufa. 'Original entry: Tufaceous Limestone Aggregate'
Mile 10, Chipenger - Birchenough Road, Southern Rhodesia,surface exposure,Zimbabwe
MR24802 Not entered 1961 Granite. 'Original entry: Kaolinised Granite Aggregate'
Mile 78, Wankie by-pass, Southern Rhodesia,surface exposure,Zimbabwe
MR24801 Not entered 1961 Conglomerate. 'Original entry: Conglomerate'
Mile 60-100, Bulawayo-Victoria Falls Road, Southern Rhodesia,surface exposure,Zimbabwe
MR24800 Not entered 1961 Sandstone (Undifferentiated). 'Original entry: Sandstone Aggregate'
Mile 150, Bulawayo-Victoria Falls Road, Southern Rhodesia,surface exposure,Zimbabwe
MR24799 Not entered 1961 Granite. 'Original entry: Muscovite Granite Aggregate'
Mile 15 near Niletsi Bridge, Bulawayo-Victoria Falls Road, Southern Rhodesia,surface exposure,Zimbabwe
MR26579 Hawkes,J.R. * 1963 'Original entry: Dunite'
Quarry name: Gath's Mine: at Gath's mine Mashaba, Zimbabwe
MR26579 Not entered 1963 Serpentinite. 'Original entry: Serpentinised Dunite With Chrysotile Veins'
Gath's Mine, Mashaba, Southern Rhodesia,Gath's Mine, Mashaba,Zimbabwe
RC1157/6 Fortey,N.J. * 1997 'Original entry: Petalite'
probably from Zimbabwe (Rhodesia) - cf RC1157/5
RC1157/4 Fortey,N.J. * 1997 'Original entry: Petalite'
Zimbabwe (probably)
RC1157/5 Fortey,N.J. * 1997 'Original entry: Petalite'
Zimbabwe (Rhodesia)
LABNO6261, UG6682, RC791/3, Not entered Not entered 'Original entry: Microlite'
Al Hayat, Bikita
LABNO6556, UG7679, RC934/2, Not entered Not entered 'Original entry: Microcline'
Goodays claims, Mtoko area.
LABNO6436, UG6866, RC934/3, Not entered Not entered 'Original entry: Microcline'
Mistress claims, N. of Sailsbury.
LABNO6562, RC934/4, UG9488, Not entered Not entered 'Original entry: Perthite'
Mterikati pegmatite, Urungwe Reserve.
LABNO6553, UG7053, RC934/6, Not entered Not entered 'Original entry: Quartz'
Tom Tit claims, N.E. Miami.
LABNO6557, UG6953, RC934/7, Not entered Not entered 'Original entry: Beryl'
Benson IV pegmatite, Mtoko area.
LABNO6570, UG8440, RC936/1, Not entered Not entered 'Original entry: Albite'
Benson II pegmatite, Mtoko area.
LABNO6576, UG8444, RC936/2, Not entered Not entered 'Original entry: Albite'
Benson II pegmatite, Mtoko area.

Showing 61 - 80 of 290