BGS rock collections - Search results

Map sheet search for Aldershot (285)

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
thin section E26041/A, COLLNO8, Boswell, P. * Not entered Not entered
Netley heath
thin section E26042, COLLNO9, Boswell, P. * Not entered Not entered
Elbridge Wood E. side 10' below road level
thin section E26042/A, COLLNO9, Boswell, P. * Not entered Not entered
Elbridge Wood E. side 10' below road level
thin section E26043, COLLNO10, Boswell, P. * Not entered Not entered
Elbridge Wood E. side at road level
thin section E26043/A, COLLNO10, Boswell, P. * Not entered Not entered
Elbridge Wood E. side at road level
thin section E26044, COLLNO11, Boswell, P. * Not entered Not entered
Netley heath 10' from surface
thin section E26044/A, COLLNO11, Boswell, P. * Not entered Not entered
Netley heath 10' from surface
thin section E26045, COLLNO12, Boswell, P. * Not entered Not entered
Netley heath 15' from surface
thin section E26045/A, COLLNO12, Boswell, P. * Not entered Not entered
Netley heath 15' from surface
thin section E26047, COLLNO14, Boswell, P. * Not entered Not entered
Netley Heath: 27' from surface
thin section E26047/A, COLLNO14, Boswell, P. * Not entered Not entered
Netley Heath: 27' from surface
thin section E26055, COLLNO303, Boswell, P. * Not entered Not entered
Netley Heath: Red Crag
thin section E26055/A, COLLNO303, Boswell, P. * Not entered Not entered
Netley Heath: Red Crag
thin section E26704, E26704/E, E26704/F, E26704/G, E26704/H, Sabine,P.A. * Not entered 'Original entry: Glauconite-Sand'
Knaphill Greensand
thin section E26704/A Sabine,P.A. * Not entered 'Original entry: Glauconite-Sand'
Knaphill Greensand
thin section E26038, COLLNO5, Boswell, P. * Not entered Not entered
Rails hatch 520' O.D
MR15564 Edmunds,F.H. * Not entered 'Original entry: Windfaccetted Carstone P.144 In Sheet Memoir'
Foxburrow Quarry,Foxburrow Quarry, Bramley, Surrey,
MR16975 Not entered Not entered 'Original entry: Dreikanter Pebble'
Foxburrow (Foxborough)Quarry,Foxburrow Quarry, Bramley, Surrey,
MR20285 Not entered Not entered Sand And Gravel. 'Original entry: Gravel And Sand'
Sandhurst Quarry,Sandhurst Quarry, Yately,
MR9848 Not entered Not entered Sandstone, Glauconitic . 'Original entry: Glauconitic Calcareous Sandstone, Bargate Stone'
Shaksted Lane,Godalming,

Showing 81 - 100 of 164