BGS rock collections - Search results

Map sheet search for Altnaharra (108)

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
thin section S63323, COLLNOGX247, Mendum,J.R. * Not entered 'Original entry: Thick Calcsilicate Bands'
570 m at 290 deg from Cnoc Olasdail, Strath Tirry
thin section S1742 Geikie,A. * Not entered Not entered
S end of Loch More
thin section S2735 Clough, C.T. * Not entered Not entered
W side of Ben Leod
thin section S2738 Clough, C.T. * Not entered Not entered
E side of Meall Leitreach
thin section S3018 Clough, C.T. * Not entered 'Original entry: Biotite Dolerite'
Leathad Mhuiscal, Strath More
thin section S3019 Peach, B.N. * Not entered 'Original entry: Dolerite'
Leathad Mhuiscal, Strath More
thin section S25443, COLLNOSN186, Phemister,J. * Not entered Not entered
Knob in hillside about 1000 yds 10-15 deg E of S of Syre Lodge
thin section S25444, COLLNOSN187, Phemister,J. * Not entered Not entered
750 yds 15 deg S of E of exit of Loch Langdale
thin section S25445, COLLNOSN188, Phemister,J. * Not entered Not entered
Allt a'Ghlas Locha 1500 yds 7 deg N of W of SW corner of Loch Ban Harrald
thin section S25446 Phemister,J. * Not entered Not entered
Burn 1 mile 70 yds 25 deg N of W of Corrie Kinloch
thin section S25447 Phemister,J. * Not entered Not entered
Burn 1 mile 70 yds 25 deg N of W of Corrie Kinloch
thin section S25448 Phemister,J. * Not entered Not entered
Burn 1 mile 70 yds 25 deg N of W of Corrie Kinloch
thin section S25449 Phemister,J. * Not entered Not entered
Burn 1 mile 70 yds 25 deg N of W of Corrie Kinloch
thin section S25450 Phemister,J. * Not entered Not entered
Burn 1 mile 85 yds 26-27 deg N of W of Corrie Kinloch
thin section S23040 Phemister,J. * Not entered Not entered
In burn 640 yds 15 deg S of E from N end of Glas Loch
thin section S23041 Phemister,J. * Not entered Not entered
In burn 640 yds 15 deg S of E from N end of Glas Loch
thin section S23042 Phemister,J. * Not entered Not entered
In gorge in burn between Creag Dubh Creag and Meall an Amain
thin section S23043 Phemister,J. * Not entered Not entered
In Amhuinn an t-Sraith Duibhe, 570 yds from junction with burn in '91'
thin section S23044 Phemister,J. * Not entered Not entered
500 yds S by E of SE corner of Loch Charail
thin section S23045 Phemister,J. * Not entered Not entered
500 yds W by S of SW corner of Loch Charail

Showing 21 - 40 of 991