BGS rock collections - Search results

Map sheet search for Altnaharra (108)

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
thin section S23046 Phemister,J. * Not entered Not entered
Allt na h'Aire, 1700 yds N by E of Creag Riabhach
thin section S23047 Phemister,J. * Not entered Not entered
135 yds NE of exit of burn on W shore of Loch Charail
thin section S23048 Phemister,J. * Not entered Not entered
520 yds 15 deg N of W of exit of burn on W shore of Loch Charail
thin section S23049 Phemister,J. * Not entered Not entered
2200 yds 60 deg E of N of NE corner of Loch Charail
thin section S23050 Phemister,J. * Not entered Not entered
2201In burn 1225 yds 55 deg E of N of NE corner of Loch Charail
thin section S23051 Phemister,J. * Not entered Not entered
Allt a'Glas Locha 400 yds from junction of W Amuhuinn an t-Sraith Duibhe
thin section S23052 Phemister,J. * Not entered Not entered
Allt a'Ghlas Locha, 835 yds from junction with Amhuinn an t-Sraith Duibhe
thin section S23053 Phemister,J. * Not entered Not entered
Allt a'Ghlas Locha, 860 yds from junction with Amhuinn an t-Sraith Duibhe
thin section S3020 Peach, B.N. * Not entered 'Original entry: Amphibolite'
Leathad Mhuiscal, Strath More
thin section S3028 Peach, B.N. * Not entered 'Original entry: Hornblende Rock'
Allt a' Mhuilinn, Loch Dithreibh
thin section S3034 Peach, B.N. * Not entered 'Original entry: Actinolite Schist'
Allt Coire na Muic, Loch Dithreibh
thin section S8391 Peach, B.N. * Not entered 'Original entry: Sericite Schist'
Ben More Assynt
thin section S9767 Peach, B.N. * Not entered Not entered
Allt Aonghais
thin section S34602, S34602/A, MR17400, LABNO1169, UNKNOWN * Not entered 'Original entry: Aegirine-Augite Syenite'
Quarry on W side of Loch Loyal
thin section S914 Geikie,A. * Not entered Not entered
W of Fiodhaig Bridge, Loch Shin
thin section S2307, S2307/a, Geikie,A. * Not entered Not entered
From slopes overhanging Ben More Assynt
thin section S2739 Clough, C.T. * Not entered Not entered
Strath Carron (most easterly dyke mapped)
thin section S2740 Clough, C.T. * Not entered Not entered
Strath Carron (most easterly dyke mapped)
thin section S2946 Clough, C.T. * Not entered Not entered
0.5 mile SSW of S end of Loch an Urchoil
thin section S2947, S2947/a, Clough, C.T. * Not entered Not entered
0.25 mile SE of Loch nam Breac Mora

Showing 41 - 60 of 991