BGS rock collections - Search results

Map sheet search for Banchory (66E)

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
thin section S96736, COLLNOSCX131, Carroll, S. * Not entered Andesite. 'Original entry: Andesite'
Knock Hill Quarry, W face 300m 214deg from Bridge of Bervie
thin section S96737, COLLNOSCX132, Carroll, S. * Not entered Conglomerate. 'Original entry: Conglomerate'
Back feature of alluvial flat, S side of bervie Water, 400m 250deg from Mains of Dillavaird Farmhouse
thin section S96738, COLLNOSCX133, Carroll, S. * Not entered Andesite. 'Original entry: Andesite'
Back feature of alluvial flat, S bank of bervie Water at Horse Pot, 310m 217deg from Mains of Dillavaird Farmhouse
thin section S96739, COLLNOSCX134, Carroll, S. * Not entered Andesite. 'Original entry: Andesite'
W side, entrance to Knock Hill Quarry 230m 211deg from Bridge of Bervie
thin section S96740, COLLNOSCX135, Carroll, S. * Not entered Andesite. 'Original entry: Andesite'
Eastern end of worked face, Boutch Hillock Quarry 280m 186deg from Mid Blairs Cottage
thin section S96714, COLLNOSCX109, Carroll, S. * Not entered Sandstone (Undifferentiated). 'Original entry: Sandstone'
Carron Water, 420m 089deg from confluence of Carron Water and Cleuch Burn
thin section S96715, COLLNOSCX110, Carroll, S. * Not entered Andesite. 'Original entry: Andesite'
E side of gully N of Hawkhill Frm. 750m 154deg from Trig Pt. on Droop Hill
thin section S96716, COLLNOSCX111, Carroll, S. * Not entered Andesite. 'Original entry: Andesite'
E side of gully N of Hawkhill Frm. 710m 155deg from Trig Pt. on Droop Hill
thin section S96717, COLLNOSCX112, Carroll, S. * Not entered Sandstone (Undifferentiated). 'Original entry: Sandstone'
N bank of Barrie Water, 750m 204deg from Trig Pt. on Droop Hill
thin section S96758, COLLNOSCX153, Carroll, S. * Not entered Basalt. 'Original entry: Basalt'
Stream exposure S bank of Berrie Water 300m 213deg from Millon of Dollar Farmhouse
thin section S96759, COLLNOSCX154, Carroll, S. * Not entered Not entered
Stream exposure in unnamed stream S of confluence with Barvie Water 320m 158deg from Barvie Water Bridge
thin section S96748, COLLNOSCX143, Carroll, S. * Not entered Conglomerate. 'Original entry: Conglomerate'
Exposure in cutting for track 220m 342deg from Deep Farmhouse
thin section S96741, COLLNOSCX136, Carroll, S. * Not entered Sandstone (Undifferentiated). 'Original entry: Sandstone'
W face, Garrold Quarry, 560m 263deg from Glen of Drumtochty Church
thin section S96742, COLLNOSCX137, Carroll, S. * Not entered Sandstone (Undifferentiated). 'Original entry: Sandstone'
W face, Garrold Quarry, 560m 263deg from Glen of Drumtochty Church
thin section S96743, COLLNOSCX138, Carroll, S. * Not entered Siltstone (Undifferentiated). 'Original entry: Siltstone'
W face, Knockhill Quarry, 300m 214deg from Bridge of Berrie
thin section S96744, COLLNOSCX139, Carroll, S. * Not entered Not entered
E face, Knockhill Quarry, 260m 201deg from Bridge of Berrie
thin section S96745, COLLNOSCX140, Carroll, S. * Not entered Conglomerate. 'Original entry: Conglomerate'
Stream exposure, E bank of Berrie Water, N of Corbie's Pot 730m 211deg from Bridge of Forthie
thin section S96746, COLLNOSCX141, Carroll, S. * Not entered Sandstone (Undifferentiated). 'Original entry: Sandstone'
Exposure at top of overgrown quarry, E bank of Berrie Water, S of Corbie's Pot 670m 010deg from Deep Farmhouse
thin section S96747, COLLNOSCX142, Carroll, S. * Not entered Ironstone. 'Original entry: Carbonate Nodule'
River cliff 300m 280deg from Deep Farmhouse
thin section S96749, COLLNOSCX144, Carroll, S. * Not entered Conglomerate. 'Original entry: Conglomerate'
Quarry exposure E side of Burnie Shag 190m 155deg from burnmouth Bridge

Showing 81 - 100 of 535