BGS rock collections - Search results

Map sheet search for Chichester (317)

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
MR20168, COLLNO563, Morey,J.E. * Not entered 'Original entry: White Chalk'
Chalk Pit, Station Road Amberley, 3/4ml. S of St Michael's Ch. Amberley
MR20169, COLLNO564, Morey,J.E. * Not entered 'Original entry: Grey & Brown Mottled Clay'
Clapham Common Pit, 1/2ml. S of St.Mary's Ch. Clapham, nr. Worthing
MR20170, COLLNO565, Morey,J.E. * Not entered 'Original entry: Grey Green Earthy Clay'
Clapham Common Pit, 1/2ml. S of St.Mary's Ch. Clapham, nr. Worthing
MR20171, COLLNO566, Morey,J.E. * Not entered 'Original entry: Grey Green Earthy Clay'
Clapham Common Pit, 1/2ml. S of St.Mary's Ch. Clapham, nr. Worthing
MR20172, COLLNO567, Morey,J.E. * Not entered 'Original entry: Brown & Buff Coloured Loam'
Clapham Common Pit, 1/2ml. S of St.Mary's Ch. Clapham, nr. Worthing
MR20173, COLLNO568, Morey,J.E. * Not entered 'Original entry: Buff Coloured Fine Sand With With Clay Pellets And Bands'
Midhurst Common Pit, Midhurst, c.1ml. SW of st. Mary Magdalene Ch. Midhurst
MR20174, COLLNO569, Morey,J.E. * Not entered 'Original entry: White Chalk'
Halnaker Chalk Pit, c. 1 3/4ml. NE of St.Mary & St. Blaise Ch. Boxgrove, NE of Chichester
MR20176, COLLNO571, Morey,J.E. * Not entered 'Original entry: Red Gritty Iron Sand'
Waltham Park Road Pit, 300m SW of St. Giles Ch. Coldwaltham
MR20177, COLLNO572, Morey,J.E. * Not entered 'Original entry: Friable Yellow Coarse Grained Sandstone'
Waltham Park Road Pit, 300m SW of St. Giles Ch. Coldwaltham
MR20178, COLLNO573, Morey,J.E. * Not entered 'Original entry: Buff Coloured 'Sharp' Sand'
Waltham Park Road Pit, 300m SW of St. Giles Ch. Coldwaltham
MR20179, COLLNO574, Morey,J.E. * Not entered 'Original entry: Limonitic Coarse Sand'
Minsted Sand Pit, 1.2Km SW of St.James' Ch., Stedham
MR20180, COLLNO575, Morey,J.E. * Not entered 'Original entry: Flint Geavel In Ferrufenous Loam'
Slindon Common Pit, Dane's Wood, 1.3Km SE of St.Mary's Ch. Slindon
MR20181, COLLNO576, Morey,J.E. * Not entered 'Original entry: Loam With Flint, Plant Roots Etc.'
Slindon Common Pit, Dane's Wood, 1.3Km SE of St.Mary's Ch. Slindon
MR20220 Not entered Not entered 'Original entry: Pipeclay (With Rootlets)'
MR20167, COLLNO562, Morey,J.E. * Not entered 'Original entry: Grey Chalk'
Chalk Pit, Station Road Amberley, 3/4ml. S of St Michael's Ch. Amberley
MR20182, COLLNOJEM577, Morey,J.E. * Not entered 'Original entry: Fine Buff Coloured Sandrock'
Pendean Sand Pit, Pendean Wood, 450m S of St Mary Magdalene Ch, West Lavington, Midhurst
MR20183, COLLNOJEM578, Morey,J.E. * Not entered 'Original entry: Coarse Gritty Linomitic Sand'
Pendean Sand Pit, Pendean Wood, 450m S of St Mary Magdalene Ch, West Lavington, Midhurst
MR20184, COLLNOJEM579, Morey,J.E. * Not entered 'Original entry: Coarse Gritty Linomitic Sand'
Pendean Sand Pit, Pendean Wood, 450m S of St Mary Magdalene Ch, West Lavington, Midhurst
MR20185, COLLNOJEM580, Morey,J.E. * Not entered 'Original entry: Orange Brown Loamy Clay'
Brick pit, Worthing Road, Wick, 1Km N of St.Mary's Ch. Littlehampton
MR20186, COLLNOJEM581, Morey,J.E. * Not entered 'Original entry: Greyish Chalk'
Duncton Down Chalk Pit, E of the 'A 285', 2km SSW of Holy Trinity Ch. Duncton

Showing 141 - 160 of 193