BGS rock collections - Search results

Map sheet search for Chichester (317)

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
MR35747, COLLNOAJ274, Young,B.R. * 1982 'Original entry: Sandstone'
Bognor Common Quarry, c.2km N of Fittleworth
MR35746, COLLNOAJ273, Young,B.R. * 1982 'Original entry: Sandstone'
Bognor Common Quarry, c.2km N of Fittleworth
MR35745, COLLNOAJ272, Young,B.R. * 1982 'Original entry: Sandstone'
Bognor Common Quarry, c.2km N of Fittleworth
MR35744, COLLNOAJ271, Young,B.R. * 1982 'Original entry: Sandstone'
Bognor Common Quarry, c.2km N of Fittleworth
MR35743, COLLNOAJ270, Young,B.R. * 1982 'Original entry: Sandstone'
Bognor Common Quarry, c.2km N of Fittleworth
MR35742, COLLNOAJ269, Young,B.R. * 1982 'Original entry: Sandstone'
Bognor Common Quarry, c.2km N of Fittleworth
MR35741, COLLNOAJ268, Young,B.R. * 1982 'Original entry: Fullers Earth'
Bognor Common Quarry, c.2km N of Fittleworth
thin section E56500, COLLNOBR97, DX2627, Bristow,C.R.; Merriman,R.J.; *; *; Not entered 'Original entry: Chloritic Marl Ferruginous Sandstone & Ferruginous Ooliths'
Mill Farm, Duneton.
MR27452, COLLNOGT34, Thurrell,R.G. * Not entered 'Original entry: Calcareous Sandstone'
Road cutting near Langham Stables, 300yds W 30deg S of St.Peter's Church, Lodsworth
MR31984 Kellaway,G.A. * Not entered 'Original entry: Sand'
Quarry name: Slindon Gravel pits: at Slindon
MR32033 Kellaway,G.A. * Not entered 'Original entry: Brickearth'
Quarry name: Eartham Pit: at Boxgrove Common, nr Chichester
MR32035 Kellaway,G.A. * Not entered 'Original entry: Boulder Clay'
Quarry name: Slindon Gravel pits: at Boxgrove Common, nr Chichester
MR20194 Not entered Not entered Sandstone (Undifferentiated). 'Original entry: Grey Banded Quartzitic Sandstone, Hythe Beds, Lower Greensand - Lower Cretaceous'
Boqnor Common Quarry,Boqnor Common Quarry, Littleworlt,
thin section E2081 Brown, A.J.J. * Not entered 'Original entry: Chert'
thin section E2841 Rhodes,J.(Junior) * Not entered 'Original entry: Foraminiferal Chalk'
Burpham River cliff 2m E. of Arundal Castle
thin section E8352, BS1838-40, Howe,J.A. * Not entered 'Original entry: Silicious Limestone Forams Of Sponge Specimen'
Pulborough stone Rowdell Pulborough
thin section E8353 Howe,J.A. * Not entered 'Original entry: Silicious Limestone Forams Of Sponge Specimen'
Pulborough stone Rowdell Pulborough
thin section E12655 Hallimond,Doctor * Not entered 'Original entry: Limonitic Sand With Fragments Of Limonite & Ooliths; Glauconite'
Smokey House,Railway cutting Selham
thin section E12656 Hallimond,Doctor * Not entered 'Original entry: Limonitic Sand With Fragments Of Limonite & Ooliths; Glauconite'
Smokey House,Railway cutting Selham
thin section E12657, NEG1438M, Hallimond,Doctor * Not entered 'Original entry: Iron Pan, Quarts, Limonite'
Roadside in cutting E. of Cowdray park Midhurst

Showing 21 - 40 of 193