BGS rock collections - Search results

Map sheet search for Colonsay (35)

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
thin section S13518 Wright, William Bourke (only Wright in Survey before 1935, prob. same as H B Wright above) * Not entered 'Original entry: Banded Epidotic Sediment'
0.25 mile S of summit of Beinn Bhreac, trig pt 401 ft
thin section S13519 Wright, William Bourke (only Wright in Survey before 1935, prob. same as H B Wright above) * Not entered 'Original entry: Banded Mudstone'
0.25 mile W of Kiloran, Colonsay
thin section S13520 Wright, William Bourke (only Wright in Survey before 1935, prob. same as H B Wright above) * Not entered 'Original entry: Cleaved Siliceous Mudstone, Very Slightly Epidiotic'
Leac Buidhe, Colonsay
thin section S71190, COLLNONX1008, Rock,N.M.S. * Not entered 'Original entry: "Lamprophyre", Fine-Grained'
Scalasaig Inner Harbour, Colonsay
thin section S71191 Rock,N.M.S. * Not entered 'Original entry: Diorite, ? Baked By Dyke'
Scalasaig Inner Harbour, Colonsay
thin section S71192, COLLNONX1009, Rock,N.M.S. * Not entered 'Original entry: Metalimestone (Brown)'
S shore Kiloran Bay, Colonsay
thin section S71193, COLLNONX1010, Rock,N.M.S. * Not entered 'Original entry: "Lamprophyre"'
S shore Kiloran Bay, Colonsay
thin section S71194, COLLNONX1011, Rock,N.M.S. * Not entered 'Original entry: "Lamprophyre"'
S shore Kiloran Bay, Colonsay
thin section S71195, COLLNONX1012, Rock,N.M.S. * Not entered 'Original entry: Metalimestone, Grey'
S shore Kiloran Bay, Colonsay
thin section S71196, COLLNONX1013, Rock,N.M.S. * Not entered 'Original entry: Metalimestone, Greeen'
S shore Kiloran Bay, Colonsay
thin section S71197, COLLNONX1014, Rock,N.M.S. * Not entered 'Original entry: Hornlendite With Stumpy Hornblendes'
S side Port Easdale, Colonsay
thin section S71198, COLLNONX1015, Rock,N.M.S. * Not entered 'Original entry: Hornlendite With Acicular Hornblendes'
S side Port Easdale, Colonsay
thin section S71199, COLLNONX1016, Rock,N.M.S. * Not entered 'Original entry: "Aplite" Vein (Brick-Red Feldspar Rock) In Hornblendite'
S side Port Easdale, Colonsay
thin section S71200, COLLNONX1017, Rock,N.M.S. * Not entered 'Original entry: "Aplite" With Pegmatitic Biotites And Hornblendes'
S side Port Easdale, Colonsay
thin section S71202, COLLNONX1019, Rock,N.M.S. * Not entered 'Original entry: "Appinite"/Syenite Contact'
S side Port Easdale, Colonsay
thin section S71203, COLLNONX1020, Rock,N.M.S. * Not entered 'Original entry: Syenite - Normal Type'
S side Port Easdale, Colonsay
thin section S71204, COLLNONX1021, Rock,N.M.S. * Not entered 'Original entry: Syenite - Drusy, Fine-Grained Type'
S side Port Easdale, Colonsay
thin section S71205, COLLNONX1022, Rock,N.M.S. * Not entered 'Original entry: "Lamprophyre"'
S side Port Easdale, Colonsay
thin section S71206, COLLNONX1023, Rock,N.M.S. * Not entered 'Original entry: "Lamprophyre"'
S side Port Easdale, Colonsay
thin section S71207, COLLNONX1024, Rock,N.M.S. * Not entered 'Original entry: "Lamprophyre"'
Kiloran Bay, Colonsay

Showing 141 - 160 of 445