BGS rock collections - Search results

Map sheet search for Colonsay (35)

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
thin section S71208, COLLNONX1025, Rock,N.M.S. * Not entered 'Original entry: "Lamprophyric Margin" Of Pipe'
N side, Port Easdale, Colonsay
thin section S71209, COLLNONX1026, Rock,N.M.S. * Not entered 'Original entry: "Lamprophyric Margin" Of Pipe'
N side, Port Easdale, Colonsay
thin section S22110 Bailey, E.B. * Not entered 'Original entry: Moine Schist, Hornfelsed'
B8. 500 yds SSW of Ardachy
thin section S22118 Bailey, E.B. * Not entered 'Original entry: Moine Schist'
C8. 700 yds SE of Ardachy
thin section S22119 Bailey, E.B. * Not entered 'Original entry: Moine Schist'
C9. 900 yds SSE of Ardachy
thin section S22126 Bailey, E.B. * Not entered 'Original entry: Moine Schist'
D7. 500 yds NW of School, Port Uisken
thin section S22127 Bailey, E.B. * Not entered 'Original entry: Moine Schist'
D8. 500 yds WSW of School, Port Uisken
thin section S22134 Bailey, E.B. * Not entered 'Original entry: Moine Schist'
E6. 330 yds SSE of school, Port Uisken
thin section S22138 Bailey, E.B. * Not entered 'Original entry: Moine Schist'
F4. 660 yds ENE of school, Port Uisken
thin section S41795 McCall, J. * Not entered Not entered
Near old burial ground, c. 0.125 mile NE of Balnahard, Colonsay
thin section S41796 McCall, J. * Not entered Not entered
Sloc Ruadh, 0.5 mile NW of Croisebric, N end of Colonsay
thin section S41797 McCall, J. * Not entered Not entered
S side of Scalasaig Harbour, Colonsay
thin section S41798 McCall, J. * Not entered Not entered
More northerly of two dykes, 0.17 mile N of Rubha Garbh
thin section S52255, COLLNOXJ1373, Johnstone,G.S. * Not entered 'Original entry: Quartzite'
E end of Traigh Bhan na Sgurra
thin section S52256, COLLNOXJ1374, Johnstone,G.S. * Not entered 'Original entry: Very Coarse Schistose Grit'
W side of bay at Traigh Bhan
thin section S52257, COLLNOXJ1375, Johnstone,G.S. * Not entered 'Original entry: Very Coarse Schistose Grit'
W side of bay at Traigh Bhan
thin section S52767 Refer to paper records * Not entered Not entered
Dubh Artach rocks
thin section S52768 Refer to paper records * Not entered Not entered
Dubh Artach rocks
thin section S71210, COLLNONX1027, Rock,N.M.S. * Not entered 'Original entry: Hornblendite Or Appinite, Free Of Quartzite Xenoliths'
N side, Port Easdale, Colonsay
thin section S71211, COLLNONX1028, Rock,N.M.S. * Not entered 'Original entry: Hornblendite, Free Of Quartzite Xenoliths'
N side, Port Easdale, Colonsay

Showing 161 - 180 of 445