BGS rock collections - Search results

Map sheet search for East Retford (101)

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
MR14230, COLLNOAT4922, Not entered Not entered 'Original entry: Shale With Plant Remains Sigillaria Ovata & Calamites'
Sutton Boring Retford (2279ft)
MR14233, COLLNOAT4950, Not entered Not entered 'Original entry: Shale With Lepidoderdian Simile'
Sutton Boring Retford (2534ft)
MR14241 Not entered Not entered 'Original entry: Gypsum'
Laughterton, S of Gainsborough
thin section E19803, E19803/A, MR17656, COLLNOWE396, ??See KSS * Not entered 'Original entry: Limestone With Disseminated ?Anhydrite'
Jockey House Borning 300yds. ENE of Jockey House Gamston depth 876ft
MR17657, COLLNOWE397, ??See KSS * Not entered 'Original entry: Breccia (Permian)'
Jockey House Borning 300yds. ENE of Jockey House Gamston depth 1113ft
thin section E19804, MR17658, COLLNOWE398, ??See KSS * Not entered 'Original entry: Cank' In Mansfield Marine Band'
Jockey House Borning 300yds. ENE of Jockey House Gamston depth 1781ft
MR17454, COLLNOGM189, Mitchell,G.H. * Not entered 'Original entry: Pebble Bed'
Carlton Lane, 1/2ml. SSE of Firbeck church
MR17455, COLLNOGM190, Mitchell,G.H. * Not entered 'Original entry: Pebble Bed'
Letwell Lane, 1/4ml. S of Letwell church
MR18024 Goosens,R.F. * Not entered 'Original entry: Sandstone'
New road drain 2000yds. NW of Carlton Church
thin section E29240, MR18025, COLLNORG40, Goosens,R.F. * Not entered 'Original entry: Cavity With ? In Sandstone Band'
Railway cutting 2ml. N of Carlton Church
MR18035, COLLNORG50, Goosens,R.F. * Not entered 'Original entry: Limestone With Calcite'
Half mile NE of Gateford village
MR18354, COLLNO524, Edwards,W.N. * Not entered 'Original entry: Haematite And Crystalline Calcite'
Manton Colliery No.4 sfarft, (depth 1058-1056ft)
MR23469, COLLNOBu1444, Godwin,C.G. * Not entered 'Original entry: Red Sandstone With Mud Patches'
NCB Bilby borehole c.750ft NNE of Bilby Farm (depth 1581ft7 1/2in - 1581ft 10 1/2in)
thin section E76167, COLLNOISM 565, COLLNOSSK3373, Not entered Not entered Not entered
Scaftworth 2 Borehole depth 2192-2195m
MR29139, COLLNOEGS86, Smith,E.G. * Not entered 'Original entry: Red Brown Ferruginous Fine Sandstone'
Railway cutting immediaely N of Shireoaks Colliery (now demolished) and 700yds E of St.Luke's Church, Shireoakes
MR29140, COLLNOEGS87, Smith,E.G. * Not entered 'Original entry: Green Unconsolidated Sand'
Railway cutting immediaely N of Shireoaks Colliery (now demolished) and 700yds E of St.Luke's Church, Shireoakes
MR29141, COLLNOEGS88, Smith,E.G. * Not entered 'Original entry: Red Brown Ferruginous Siltstone'
Railway cutting immediaely N of Shireoaks Colliery (now demolished) and 700yds E of St.Luke's Church, Shireoakes
MR29142, COLLNOEGS89, Smith,E.G. * Not entered 'Original entry: Red Brown Ferruginous Fine Sand'
Railway cutting immediaely N of Shireoaks Colliery (now demolished) and 700yds E of St.Luke's Church, Shireoakes
MR12867 Not entered Not entered 'Original entry: Breccia'
Boring at Retford, (depth 1377ft)

Showing 181 - 199 of 199