BGS rock collections - Search results

Map sheet search for Isle of Man (45)

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
thin section E2819 Not entered Not entered Not entered
road 50yds E of Chapel Eairy Cushlin: Tertiary dyke
thin section E2083/A Not entered Not entered Not entered
S end of Beal feayn ny Geay, W side of Cronk ny Arrey Laa:
thin section E1970 Not entered Not entered Not entered
on beach opp. Ballynalargy, Dalby: 6' dyke in Skiddaw Flags
thin section E1971 Not entered Not entered Not entered
in field 200yds N 20 yds E of Doarlish Cashen, Dalby: Boss in Skiddaw
thin section E1976 Not entered Not entered Not entered
under Nierbyl, Dalby?: supposed dyke among crushed Skiddaw (sheared diabase)
thin section E2001 Not entered Not entered Not entered
E branch of Colby River, Ballacannell, Arbory, 150 yards above junction.: dark olivine basalt
thin section E2092 Not entered Not entered Not entered
Chastal Voor, Contrary Head:
thin section E2093 Not entered Not entered Not entered
slate quarry, Contrary Head:
thin section E2094 Not entered Not entered Not entered
crag 600 yds. SW of Knockaloe Mooar: greenstone dyke ?Tertiary
thin section E2103 Not entered Not entered Not entered
Contrary Head: 4' green band ?dyke
thin section E2117 Not entered Not entered Not entered
S bank of of Glen Meay, above pumping rod of old mine: ?andesitic breccia
MR7528, COLLNOL266, Lamphugh, G.W. * Not entered 'Original entry: Sandy Slate Showing Intersecting Structures. Niarbyl Flags (Manx Slates)'
Dalby, Isle of Man
MR7529, COLLNOL354, Lamphugh, G.W. * Not entered 'Original entry: Sandy Slate Showing Intersecting Structures. Niarbyl Flags (Manx Slates)'
Ballaquare Strand, N side of Dalby Point, Isle of Man

Showing 21 - 33 of 33