BGS rock collections - Search results

Map sheet search for Stamford (157)

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
thin section E19864, E19864/A, COLLNOKY 14E, LABNONo.1303, Kellaway,G.A. * Not entered 'Original entry: Chloritic Ooliths In Gritty Limonite'
At the Eastern end of the abandoned Ironstone workings, at Easton-on-the-Hill, near Stamford.
thin section E20001, COLLNOEV 5, LABNONo. 1321, Evans,W.D. * Not entered 'Original entry: Ironstone: Limonite With Orange Ooliths'
Nr.Glaston Lodge, 1m.E.of Glaston Church
thin section E20002, E20002/A, COLLNOEV 6, LABNONo. 1322, Evans,W.D. * Not entered 'Original entry: Ironstone: Limonite With Orange Ooliths'
500y.N.10dW.of Morcott Church, Morcott
thin section E20003, COLLNOEV 7, LABNONo. 1323, Evans,W.D. * Not entered 'Original entry: Ferruginous Limestone'
1040y.S.E.of Glaston Church
thin section E26231 Jobbins,E.A. * Not entered 'Original entry: Weathered Sideritic Chamosite Oolite'
450yds SW. of Cooks Hole Farm is about 1 1/2miles N. of W. of Church Wansford
thin section E22339, COLLNOJHT316, Taylor,J.H. * Not entered 'Original entry: Ferruginous Oolitic Mudstone Flattened Distorted Ooliths'
Brook 750y SW. by S. of Ranksborough
thin section E22340, COLLNOJHT317, Taylor,J.H. * Not entered 'Original entry: Limestone With Secondary Calcite Ooliths'
Brook 750y SW. by S. of Ranksborough
thin section E22341, COLLNOJHT318, NEG2326, Taylor,J.H. * Not entered 'Original entry: Calcareous Chamosite Oolite'
320y N. by W. of church at Langham
thin section E22342, COLLNOJHT319, Taylor,J.H. * Not entered 'Original entry: Sideritic Siltstone'
950y E. by N. of Hall at Barlythorpe
thin section E22343, COLLNOJHT320, Taylor,J.H. * Not entered 'Original entry: Calcareous Sideritic Siltstone With Chamosite'
1560y S. of church at Whissendine
thin section E22344, COLLNOJHT321, Taylor,J.H. * Not entered 'Original entry: Ankerite Mudstone With Secondary Calcite Ooliths'
Ashwell Railway cutting 950y NNW. Of Ashwell Station
thin section E22345, COLLNOJHT322, Taylor,J.H. * Not entered 'Original entry: Silty Calcite Mudstone'
450yds E. by S. of Westfield House Ashwell
thin section E22346, COLLNOJHT323, Taylor,J.H. * Not entered 'Original entry: Oxidised Calcareous Sideritic Chamosite Oolite'
1300y W. by S. of church at Egleton
thin section E22347, COLLNOJHT324, Taylor,J.H. * Not entered 'Original entry: Oxidised Sideritic Limestone'
1300y W. by S. of church at Egleton
thin section E22348, COLLNOJHT325, Taylor,J.H. * Not entered 'Original entry: Partially Oxidised Calcareous Sideritic Chamosite Oolite'
325y W. by S. of the garage Egleton
thin section E22349, COLLNOJHT326, Taylor,J.H. * Not entered 'Original entry: Calcareous Chamositic Sideritic Oolite'
750yds. W. by S. of the church at Oakham
thin section E22350, COLLNOJHT327, Taylor,J.H. * Not entered 'Original entry: Partially Oxidised Calcareous Sideritic Chamositic Oolite'
725y NW. by W. of Fox Bridge
thin section E22351, COLLNOJHT328, Taylor,J.H. * Not entered 'Original entry: Oolitic Clay Ironstone'
1075y SW by S at Fox Bridge
thin section E22352, COLLNOJHT329, Taylor,J.H. * Not entered 'Original entry: Limonitic Oolite'
850y S. of Park Farm Ridlington
thin section E22353, COLLNOJHT330, Taylor,J.H. * Not entered 'Original entry: Silty Siderite Mudstone'
Brook 820ySW. Of Ranksborough

Showing 121 - 140 of 270