BGS rock collections - Search results

Map sheet search for Stamford (157)

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
thin section E20750, COLLNOKY 54, Kellaway,G.A. * Not entered Not entered
1100y.E.of Horn House, 250y. S.W.of Great North Road.
thin section E20751, COLLNOKY 55, Kellaway,G.A. * Not entered 'Original entry: Sideritised Gritty Oolitic Limestone'
600y. S.E.of Tickencote Warren, 300y. N.E.of Great North Road.
thin section E20752, COLLNOKY 56, Kellaway,G.A. * Not entered 'Original entry: Oolitic Sideritic Clay'
600y. S.E.of Tickencote Warren, 300y. N.E.of Great North Road.
thin section E20753, COLLNOKY 57, Kellaway,G.A. * Not entered 'Original entry: Oolitic Sideritic Mudstone'
600y. S.E.of Tickencote Warren, 300y. N.E.of Great North Road.
thin section E20754, COLLNOKY 58, Kellaway,G.A. * Not entered 'Original entry: Chamosite Mudstone'
600y. S.E.of Tickencote Warren, 300y. N.E.of Great North Road.
thin section E20850, COLLNOJHT 186, Taylor,J.H. * Not entered 'Original entry: Gritty Oolitic Mudstone With Sphaerosiderite'
1800y.N.43dW.of Wilsthorpe Church, 830y.E.17d.N.of Braceborough Spa.
thin section E20851, COLLNOJHT 187, LABNONo.1457, Taylor,J.H. * Not entered 'Original entry: Gritty Mudstone With Sphaerosiderite'
1800y.N.43dW.of Wilsthorpe Church, 830y.E.17d.N.of Braceborough Spa.
thin section E20852, COLLNOJHT 188, LABNONo.1457, Taylor,J.H. * Not entered 'Original entry: Gritty Sphaerosideritic Mudstone'
1800y.N.43dW.of Wilsthorpe Church, 830y.E.17d.N.of Braceborough Spa.
thin section E18528, LABNONo.1113, Kellaway,G.A. * Not entered 'Original entry: Iron Ore Ooliths Of Fibrous Mineral'
A small natural cliff at the back of the big spring on the of the brook below Greetham, 1/8m. W.of the Mill House 6.5m. N.W.of Stamford
thin section E18529, LABNONo.1114, Kellaway,G.A. * Not entered 'Original entry: Limonitized Chamosite Oolite'
A small natural cliff at the back of the big spring on the of the brook below Greetham, 1/8m. W.of the Mill House 6.5m. N.W.of Stamford
thin section E18530, LABNONo.1115, Kellaway,G.A. * Not entered 'Original entry: Limonitized Chamosite Oolite W. Siderite Matrix'
A small natural cliff at the back of the big spring on the of the brook below Greetham, 1/8m. W.of the Mill House 6.5m. N.W.of Stamford
thin section E18948, COLLNOGK 3, LABNONo.1188, Kellaway,G.A. * Not entered 'Original entry: Sandy Clay'
Chipsham Old Qy. Clipsham
thin section E18949, COLLNOGK 4, LABNONo.1189, Kellaway,G.A. * Not entered 'Original entry: Sandy Clay'
Chipsham Old Qy. Clipsham
thin section E19176 Road Research Laboratory * Not entered 'Original entry: Limestone, Pebble Type'
Big Pits Qy. Clipsham
thin section E19177 Road Research Laboratory * Not entered 'Original entry: Limestone, Pebble Type'
Old Qy. Clipsham
thin section E19567, COLLNOGK 9A, LABNONo 1238, Kellaway,G.A. * Not entered 'Original entry: Sandy Limonite'
Edith Weston pipe line near R.A.F. Hutments. Upper part of pipe line
thin section E19568, E19568/A, COLLNOGK 9B, LABNONo 1239, Kellaway,G.A. * Not entered 'Original entry: Argill, Ironstone W. Goelhite'
Edith Weston pipe line near R.A.F. Hutments. Lower part of pipe line
thin section E19569, E19569/A, COLLNOGK 10, LABNONo 1240, Kellaway,G.A. * Not entered 'Original entry: Arenaceous Limonite'
S.side of Dry Valley, S.of Cow Pasture Farm [Rob Hall].Gt. Casterton
thin section E19629, E19629/A, COLLNOKY 12A, LABNONo 1242, Kellaway,G.A. * Not entered 'Original entry: Oolitic Limonite Ore'
Greetham Mill, 1/6m. W.of Gt.North Rd.& 1. 3/8m.S.of Strettan Rectory
thin section E19630, E19630/A, COLLNOKY 12B, LABNONo 1243, Kellaway,G.A. * Not entered 'Original entry: Chamosite-Ooliths In Siderite'
Greetham Mill, 1/6m. W.of Gt.North Rd.& 1. 3/8m.S.of Strettan Rectory

Showing 161 - 180 of 270