BGS rock collections - Search results

Map sheet search for Thornhill (9E)

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
thin section S95175, COLLNOCYY98, Akhurst, M.C. * Not entered Sandstone (Undifferentiated). 'Original entry: Calcareous Sandstone'
Outcrop, S flank of Skeuch Hill
thin section S95144, COLLNOCYY67, Akhurst, M.C. * Not entered Sandstone (Undifferentiated). 'Original entry: Sandstone'
Outcrop, SE flank of Comlee Hill
thin section S95157, COLLNOCYY80, Akhurst, M.C. * Not entered Sandstone (Undifferentiated). 'Original entry: Calcareous Sandstone'
170m NE of Meikle Barncleugh
thin section S95158, COLLNOCYY81, Akhurst, M.C. * Not entered Sandstone (Undifferentiated). 'Original entry: Calcareous Sandstone'
Heathery Wood
thin section S95159, COLLNOCYY82, Akhurst, M.C. * Not entered Sandstone (Undifferentiated). 'Original entry: Sandstone'
thin section S95160, COLLNOCYY83, Akhurst, M.C. * Not entered Sandstone (Undifferentiated). 'Original entry: Sandstone'
Railway cutting, Doweel Farm
thin section S95161, COLLNOCYY84, Akhurst, M.C. * Not entered Breccia . 'Original entry: Breccia'
Railway cutting, Doweel Farm
thin section S95162, COLLNOCYY85, Akhurst, M.C. * Not entered Sandstone (Undifferentiated). 'Original entry: Calcareous Sandstone'
Old quarry, SW flank of White Hill of Terregles
thin section S95163, COLLNOCYY86, Akhurst, M.C. * Not entered Sandstone (Undifferentiated). 'Original entry: Sandstone'
Outcrop NE of Beacon Hill
thin section S95164, COLLNOCYY87, Akhurst, M.C. * Not entered Sandstone (Undifferentiated). 'Original entry: Sandstone'
Outcrop, S flank of White Hill of Terregles
thin section S95165, COLLNOCYY88, Akhurst, M.C. * Not entered Sandstone (Undifferentiated). 'Original entry: Sandstone'
Outcrop, 300m SE of Seeside
thin section S94648, COLLNOCY59, Akhurst, M.C. * Not entered Sandstone (Undifferentiated). 'Original entry: Calcareous Sandstone'
Small abandoned quarry E of N end of Milton Loch
thin section S94634, COLLNOCY46, Akhurst, M.C. * Not entered Sandstone (Undifferentiated). 'Original entry: Sandstone'
Shiel Head
thin section S94635, COLLNOCY47, Akhurst, M.C. * Not entered Sandstone (Undifferentiated). 'Original entry: Sandstone'
S of Shalloch Burn
thin section S94636, COLLNOCY48, Akhurst, M.C. * Not entered Sandstone (Undifferentiated). 'Original entry: Sandstone'
N of Cornlee
thin section S94637, COLLNOCY49, Akhurst, M.C. * Not entered Sandstone (Undifferentiated). 'Original entry: Sandstone'
NE of Cornlee Bridge
thin section S94638, COLLNOCY50, Akhurst, M.C. * Not entered Sandstone (Undifferentiated). 'Original entry: Sandstone'
Crag on W promentry of Bishop Forest Hill
thin section S94639, COLLNOCY51, Akhurst, M.C. * Not entered Sandstone (Undifferentiated). 'Original entry: Sandstone'
350m S of Trig Stn on Bishop Forest Hill
thin section S94621, COLLNOCY33, Akhurst, M.C. * Not entered Sandstone (Undifferentiated). 'Original entry: Sandstone'
S of summit cairn, NE of Maiden Crag
thin section S94622, COLLNOCY34, Akhurst, M.C. * Not entered Sandstone (Undifferentiated). 'Original entry: Sandstone'
S of Trig point, Milharay Hill

Showing 81 - 100 of 299