BGS rock collections - Search results

Map sheet search for West Shetland and South Shetland ? (126)

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
thin section S29337 Knox,J. * Not entered Not entered
1055 yds S 31 deg E of Brough in Loch of Brindister
thin section S29338 Knox,J. * Not entered Not entered
975 yds E 7 deg S of road bridge over Burn of Couster (Quarff)
thin section S29339 Knox,J. * Not entered Not entered
1090 yds E 10 deg S of road bridge over Burn of Couster (Quarff)
thin section S29340 Knox,J. * Not entered Not entered
1020 yds E 28 deg S of road bridge over Burn of Couster (Quarff)
thin section S29341 Knox,J. * Not entered Not entered
200 yds N 20 deg E of Quarff School
thin section S29342 Knox,J. * Not entered Not entered
285 yds E 21 deg N of Quarff School
thin section S29343 Knox,J. * Not entered Not entered
610 yds E 1 deg N of 692 ft spot height on Sheens of Breitoe
thin section S29344 Knox,J. * Not entered Not entered
555 yds E 35 deg N of side road through Okraquoy
thin section S29345 Knox,J. * Not entered Not entered
395 yds E 40 deg N of North Voxter (shore of Aith Voe)
thin section S29346 Knox,J. * Not entered Not entered
900 yds S 17 deg E of main road over Burn of Laxdale (in burn)
thin section S29347 Knox,J. * Not entered Not entered
190 yds W 19 deg N of School, Voxter
thin section S29348 Knox,J. * Not entered Not entered
150 yds W 32 deg S of School, Voxter
thin section S29349 Knox,J. * Not entered Not entered
425 yd S 35 deg W of North Voxter
thin section S29510 Wilson, George Victor * Not entered 'Original entry: Hybrid Granitised Diorite'
Skeld, 0.5 mile N of Kirka Ness
thin section S29511 Wilson, George Victor * Not entered 'Original entry: Quartz-Biotite Diorite'
0.25 mile, a few deg N of E of N end of Loch of Arg
thin section S29526 Wilson, George Victor * Not entered 'Original entry: Granite'
0.25 mile E of N end of Loch of Arg
thin section S29569 Wilson, George Victor * Not entered Not entered
W coast of Trondra, E of N end of W Burra
thin section S29570 Wilson, George Victor * Not entered Not entered
SW coast of Trondra, 0.5 mile S of Ux Ness
thin section S29571, S29571/A, Wilson, George Victor * Not entered Not entered
SW of Trondra, opposite Holm of Brough
thin section S29572, S29572/A, Wilson, George Victor * Not entered Not entered
Extreme SW corner of Trondra

Showing 241 - 260 of 694