BGS rock collections - Search results

Map sheet search for West Shetland and South Shetland ? (126)

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
thin section S29573, S29573/A, Wilson, George Victor * Not entered Not entered
Cusa Voe, SW corner of Hildasay
thin section S29574, S29574/A, Wilson, George Victor * Not entered Not entered
0.5 mile NW of Broo Loch
thin section S28855, S28855/A, Wilson, George Victor * Not entered Not entered
W coast, S Havra, 0.25 mile S of Croo Taing
thin section S28856 Wilson, George Victor * Not entered Not entered
Cliff top, Groot Ness, S end of W Burra
thin section S28857 Wilson, George Victor * Not entered Not entered
Coast 2100 ft S of end of Meal, W Burra
thin section S28858 Wilson, George Victor * Not entered Not entered
Coast, the Alter, 0.25 mile N of Sand Wick
thin section S28859, S28859/A, Wilson, George Victor * Not entered Not entered
S coast of Holm of Houss, E Burra
thin section S28860 Wilson, George Victor * Not entered Not entered
N coast of S Voe, E Burra
thin section S28861, S28861/A, Wilson, George Victor * Not entered Not entered
Ward of Symbister, S end of E Burra
thin section S28864 Wilson, George Victor * Not entered Not entered
Coast, S end of Hoy
thin section S28870, S28870/A, Wilson, George Victor * Not entered Not entered
Natural arch, S end of South Havra
thin section S28871 Wilson, George Victor * Not entered Not entered
500 ft S of Hamnavoe pier, W Burra
thin section S28872, S28872/A, Wilson, George Victor * Not entered Not entered
S end of Biargar, 0.5 mile S of Hamnavoe
thin section S28874 Wilson, George Victor * Not entered Not entered
S point of Binna Ness,W coast
thin section S28876 Wilson, George Victor * Not entered Not entered
120 yds NE of N end of Loch of Arg
thin section S28877 Wilson, George Victor * Not entered Not entered
N end of Loch of Arg 10 yds N of Arg farmhouse
thin section S28879 Wilson, George Victor * Not entered Not entered
Little Hamar, 2000 ft NE of Sil Wick
thin section S28880 Wilson, George Victor * Not entered Not entered
2000 ft SW of Loch of Arg near Grindars
thin section S28883 Wilson, George Victor * Not entered 'Original entry: Sandstone'
Small knob of rock E side of burn, Head of Skelda Voe
thin section S29213 Knox,J. * Not entered Not entered
Coast 520 yds S 33 deg E of Rompa

Showing 261 - 280 of 694