BGS rock collections - Search results

Map sheet search for West Shetland and South Shetland ? (126)

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
thin section S29214 Knox,J. * Not entered Not entered
85 yds upstream from mouth of Burn of Channerwick
thin section S28854 Wilson, George Victor * Not entered Not entered
0.5 mile E of Hamna Voe, W Burra
thin section S55060, S55060/A, COLLNOYW770, May,F. * Not entered Not entered
850 yds N 20 deg W of Lingarth
thin section S55061, COLLNOYW775, May,F. * Not entered Not entered
370 yds N 9 deg E of Hee
thin section S55062, COLLNOYW777, May,F. * Not entered Not entered
450 yds S 26 deg W of Coubal
thin section S55063, COLLNOYW778, May,F. * Not entered Not entered
700 yds E 24 deg N of Symblisetter
thin section S55064, S55064/A, COLLNOYW779, May,F. * Not entered Not entered
Shore section N side of Flouri Geo
thin section S55066, COLLNOYW783, May,F. * Not entered Not entered
Cliff section 770 yds S 3 deg E of Black Skerry
thin section S55082, COLLNOYC2024, Mykura,W. * Not entered 'Original entry: Sandstone'
Deepdale Burn, 540 yds NNE of mouth of burn
thin section S55468, COLLNOYC2269, Mykura,W. * Not entered 'Original entry: Carbonate Rock'
Bressay, E shore, 170 yds NNE of most southerly point of Muckle Hell
thin section S55469, COLLNOYC2288, Mykura,W. * Not entered 'Original entry: Carbonate Rock (Ankerite)'
Bressay, E shore, 170 yds NNE of most southerly point of Muckle Hell
thin section S55470, COLLNOYC2325, Mykura,W. * Not entered 'Original entry: Sparsely Porphyritic Trachyte'
Bressay, E shore, 740 yds S 10 deg W of broch on W shore of Noss
thin section S55471, COLLNOYC2326, Mykura,W. * Not entered 'Original entry: Carbonate Rock (Dyke)'
Ness of Beosetter, 350 yds NW of Beosetter, N shore of Bressay
thin section S55702, COLLNOYW798, May,F. * Not entered 'Original entry: Metabasic Rock'
980 yds S 34 deg E of Skerry of Cord
thin section S55711, COLLNOYW815, May,F. * Not entered 'Original entry: Phyllite With Black Spots'
620 yds N 36 deg W of outflow of Njugals Water
thin section S55712, COLLNOYW816, May,F. * Not entered 'Original entry: Black Phyllite'
70 yds due N of head of Seli Geo
thin section S55713, COLLNOYW817, May,F. * Not entered 'Original entry: Bedded Siliceous Rock'
70 yds due N of head of Seli Geo
thin section S55714, COLLNOYW819, May,F. * Not entered 'Original entry: Contact-Altered Phyllite'
Stream section 950 yds due E of Tow
thin section S55715, COLLNOYW820, May,F. * Not entered 'Original entry: Black Graphitic Phyllite'
Shore section 1050 yds S 32 deg E of Tow
thin section S55716, COLLNOYW821, May,F. * Not entered 'Original entry: Black Gritty Quartzite'
Roadside section 300 yds W 6 deg N of Tow

Showing 281 - 300 of 694