BGS rock collections - Search results

Country search for FRANCE

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
RC1149/1 Not entered 'Original entry: Stibnite'
Stibnite. Les Brouzils, Vendee, France.
RC1104/1 Not entered 'Original entry: Uraninite (Pitchblende), Pyrite'
"Ore specimen". Formation de Limouzat, en Niu 80, Lias Bois-Noirs (Loise), France.
RC1104/2 Not entered 'Original entry: Mineral Sample'
Pitchblende. Mine de Bigay, Lacnauk, Niv 40 (Puy-de-Dome), France.
RC998/1 Not entered 'Original entry: Zircon'
Zircon (sand). France.
RC1104/3 Not entered 'Original entry: Uraninite (Pitchblende)'
"Ore specimen". Formation de Limaza, en Niv 80, Les Bois Noirs (Loire), France.
MR4948 Not entered 1842 Schist. 'Original entry: Graphitic - Talcose Schist'
Mont Cenis Tunnel, Modane, Savoie,Rail tunnel,France
MR3535 Not entered 1847 Sand (Undifferentiated). 'Original entry: Sand'
Dunes of Bayonne,surface exposure,France
MR12433 Not entered 1857 Conglomerate. 'Original entry: Conglomerate'
Mont Cenis (Fr�jus) Tunnel, Alps. Distance from Modane, Savoie, France 2503,Mont Cenis railway tunnel,The first great Alpine tunnel, driven from two headings from 1857 to 1871, using novel tunnelling techniques including dynamite.,France -
MR12334 Not entered 1858 Silt (Undifferentiated). 'Original entry: Schistose Grit'
Mont Cenis (Fr�jus) Tunnel, Alps. Distance from Modane, Savoie, France 230 - 270m,Mont Cenis railway tunnel,The first great Alpine tunnel, driven from two headings from 1857 to 1871, using novel tunnelling techniques including dynamite.,Fra
MR12335 Not entered 1859 Schist. 'Original entry: Schist'
Mont Cenis (Fr�jus) Tunnel, Alps. Distance from Modane, Savoie, France 280m,Mont Cenis railway tunnel,The first great Alpine tunnel, driven from two headings from 1857 to 1871, using novel tunnelling techniques including dynamite.,France -
MR12336 Not entered 1860 Schist. 'Original entry: Schist'
Mont Cenis (Fr�jus) Tunnel, Alps. Distance from Modane, Savoie, France 282m,Mont Cenis railway tunnel,The first great Alpine tunnel, driven from two headings from 1857 to 1871, using novel tunnelling techniques including dynamite.,France -
MR12337 Not entered 1861 Schist. 'Original entry: Schist'
Mont Cenis (Fr�jus) Tunnel, Alps. Distance from Modane, Savoie, France 283m,Mont Cenis railway tunnel,The first great Alpine tunnel, driven from two headings from 1857 to 1871, using novel tunnelling techniques including dynamite.,France -
MR12338 Not entered 1862 Schist. 'Original entry: Schist'
Mont Cenis (Fr�jus) Tunnel, Alps. Distance from Modane, Savoie, France 300m,Mont Cenis railway tunnel,The first great Alpine tunnel, driven from two headings from 1857 to 1871, using novel tunnelling techniques including dynamite.,France -
MR12339 Not entered 1863 Schist. 'Original entry: Schist'
Mont Cenis (Fr�jus) Tunnel, Alps. Distance from Modane, Savoie, France 370m,Mont Cenis railway tunnel,The first great Alpine tunnel, driven from two headings from 1857 to 1871, using novel tunnelling techniques including dynamite.,France -
MR12340 Not entered 1864 Schist. 'Original entry: Schist'
Mont Cenis (Fr�jus) Tunnel, Alps. Distance from Modane, Savoie, France 375m,Mont Cenis railway tunnel,The first great Alpine tunnel, driven from two headings from 1857 to 1871, using novel tunnelling techniques including dynamite.,France -
MR12341 Not entered 1865 Schist. 'Original entry: Schist'
Mont Cenis (Fr�jus) Tunnel, Alps. Distance from Modane, Savoie, France 385m,Mont Cenis railway tunnel,The first great Alpine tunnel, driven from two headings from 1857 to 1871, using novel tunnelling techniques including dynamite.,France -
MR12342 Not entered 1866 Schist. 'Original entry: Hyaline Quartz In Schist'
Mont Cenis (Fr�jus) Tunnel, Alps. Distance from Modane, Savoie, France 429m,Mont Cenis railway tunnel,The first great Alpine tunnel, driven from two headings from 1857 to 1871, using novel tunnelling techniques including dynamite.,France -
MR12343 Not entered 1867 Quartz (Vein). 'Original entry: Hyaline Quartz'
Mont Cenis (Fr�jus) Tunnel, Alps. Distance from Modane, Savoie, France 429m,Mont Cenis railway tunnel,The first great Alpine tunnel, driven from two headings from 1857 to 1871, using novel tunnelling techniques including dynamite.,France -
MR12344 Not entered 1868 Schist. 'Original entry: Schist'
Mont Cenis (Fr�jus) Tunnel, Alps. Distance from Modane, Savoie, France 658m,Mont Cenis railway tunnel,The first great Alpine tunnel, driven from two headings from 1857 to 1871, using novel tunnelling techniques including dynamite.,France -
MR12345 Not entered 1869 Schist. 'Original entry: Schist'
Mont Cenis (Fr�jus) Tunnel, Alps. Distance from Modane, Savoie, France 670m,Mont Cenis railway tunnel,The first great Alpine tunnel, driven from two headings from 1857 to 1871, using novel tunnelling techniques including dynamite.,France -

Showing 1 - 20 of 482