BGS rock collections - Search results

Country search for INDONESIA

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
MR7568 Not entered 1835 Volcaniclastic-Sand. 'Original entry: Volcanic Sand (16% Magnetic)'
From the Peak of Flores. Fell on ship 'Argus' July 22nd and 23rd 1835 when 10 miles off.,surface exposure,Assumed to be Flores Indonesia rather than Flores Azores, Portugal. (curator's comment, 1998),?Indonesia - Flores
thin section MR17778, F5186, Not entered 1946 Tephra (Pyroclastic Sediment). 'Original entry: Pumice'
Deck of "Charles Bal" from Krakatoa, Straits of Sundra, Dutch East Indies, August 1883,Charles Bal,Indonesia
thin section MR17779, F5187, Not entered 1946 Ash (Tephra). 'Original entry: Volcanic Grit'
Deck of "Charles Bal" from Krakatoa, Straits of Sundra, Dutch East Indies, August 1883,Charles Bal,Indonesia
thin section MR17780, F5188, Not entered 1946 Ash (Tephra). 'Original entry: Volcanic Dust'
Deck of "Charles Bal" from Krakatoa, Straits of Sundra, Dutch East Indies, August 1883,Charles Bal,Indonesia
MR37958, COLLNOSSG08, Cobbing,E.J. * Not entered 'Original entry: Granodiorite'
Sulit Air, NE of Padang, Sumatra
MR37966, COLLNOSSG13, Cobbing,E.J. * Not entered 'Original entry: Granodiorite'
Sulit Air, NE of Padang, Sumatra
MR37959, COLLNOSSG15, Cobbing,E.J. * Not entered Not entered
Lassi Pluton, NE of Padang, Sumatra
MR37960, COLLNOSSG46, Cobbing,E.J. * Not entered Not entered
Bungo Batholith, SW of Muarabungo, Sumatra
MR37961, COLLNOSSG48, Cobbing,E.J. * Not entered Not entered
Bungo Batholith, SW of Muarabungo, Sumatra
MR37968, COLLNOSSG58, Cobbing,E.J. * Not entered Not entered
Bungo Batholith, SW of Muarabungo, Sumatra
MR37962, COLLNOSSG59A, Cobbing,E.J. * Not entered Not entered
Bungo Batholith, SW of Muarabungo, Sumatra
MR37963, COLLNOSSG61, Cobbing,E.J. * Not entered Not entered
Bungo Batholith, SW of Muarabungo, Sumatra
MR37967, COLLNOSSG70, Cobbing,E.J. * Not entered Not entered
Garba Pluton, S of Baturaja, Sumatra
MR37964, COLLNOSSG83, Cobbing,E.J. * Not entered Not entered
Sulan Pluton, E of Bandar Lampung, Sumatra
MR37957, COLLNOTC17A, Cobbing,E.J. * Not entered Not entered
Lampung granite mass, N of Bandar Lampung, Sumatra
MR37965, COLLNOSSG37, Cobbing,E.J. * Not entered 'Original entry: Granodiorite'
Lolo Pluton, SE of Padang, Sumatra
MR39742, COLLNOSSG37, Cobbing,E.J. * Not entered Not entered
Lolo Pluton, SE of Padang, Sumatra
MR39743, COLLNOSSG43, Cobbing,E.J. * Not entered Not entered
Bungo Batholith, SW of Muarabungo, Sumatra
MR39744, COLLNOSSG44A, Cobbing,E.J. * Not entered Not entered
Bungo Batholith, SW of Muarabungo, Sumatra
MR39745, COLLNOSSG45A, Cobbing,E.J. * Not entered Not entered
Bungo Batholith, SW of Muarabungo, Sumatra

Showing 1 - 20 of 52