BGS rock collections - Search results

Country search for MALAWI

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
RC1079/1 Not entered 'Original entry: Pyrite'
Pyrite. Chilwa Island, Malawi.
RC1041/K Not entered 'Original entry: Pyrite'
Pyrite. Northern Summit, Chila Island, Malawi.
RC1041/J Not entered 'Original entry: Pyrochlore'
Pyrochlore. Chilwa Island, Malawi.
RC1139/1 Not entered 'Original entry: Monazite'
Monazite. Kangau Kunde, Malawi.
RC1041/I Not entered 'Original entry: Pyrochlore'
Pyrochlore. Chilwa Island, Malawi.
RC1041/H Not entered 'Original entry: Pyrochlore'
Pyrochlore. Chilwa Island, Malawi.
RC1041/G Not entered 'Original entry: Pyrochlore'
Pyrochlore. Chilwa Island, Malawi.
RC1041/F Not entered 'Original entry: Pyrochlore'
Pyrochlore. Summit soil, Chilwa Island, Malawi.
RC1041/E Not entered 'Original entry: Carbonatite Rock'
Carbonatite. Chilwa Island, Malawi.
RC986/1 Not entered 'Original entry: Calcite ('Iceland Spar')'
Iceland spar. Shirwa Island, Zamba, Malawi.
RC1065/4 Not entered 'Original entry: Strontianite'
Strontianite. Kangankunde, Malawi.
RC1041/4 Not entered 'Original entry: Ankeritic Sovite Rock'
Ankeritic sovite. Central cone, Chilwa Island, Malawi.
RC1082/3 Not entered 'Original entry: Xenotime, Zircon'
Xenotime and Zircon. Tuchila, Mlanje, Malawi.
RC1065/6 Not entered 'Original entry: Strontianite'
Strontianite. Kangankunde, Malawi.
RC1041/6 Not entered 'Original entry: Apatite Sovite'
Apatite sovite. Miciulu Hill, Chilwa Island, Malawi.
RC1065/5 Not entered 'Original entry: Strontium Hydroxide'
Strontium hydroxide. Kangankunde, Malawi.
RC1041/5 Not entered 'Original entry: Siderite, Carbonatite Rock'
Sideritic carbonatite. Central Cone, Chilwa Island, Malawi.
RC1041/7 Not entered Syenite. 'Original entry: Wollastonite, Melanite'
Ijolite. North West Michulu Hill, Chilwa Island, Malawi.
RC1041/2 Not entered 'Original entry: Feldspar'
Feldspathic breccia. Southern Spur, Chilwa Island, Malawi.
RC1082/1 Not entered 'Original entry: Xenotime-(Y)'
Xenotime. Domasi, Zomba, Malawi.

Showing 1 - 20 of 223