BGS rock collections - Search results

Country search for MAURITANIA

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
COLLNO1914/AGG1, COLLNOH943, G3124, Gunn,A.G. * Not entered 'Original entry: Coarse Carbonate Breccia With Insterstitial Magnetite And Minor Sulphide'
BH. RCGM87 Depth 117.2m
COLLNO1914/AGG2, COLLNOH944, G3125, Gunn,A.G. * Not entered 'Original entry: Sheared Greenstone With Extensive Tremolite And Patchy Carbonate Alteration With Sulphides'
BH. RCGM87 Depth 139.3m
COLLNO1914/AGG3, COLLNOH945, G3126, Gunn,A.G. * Not entered 'Original entry: Coarse Carbonate With Late Magnetite Blebs (2-7 Mm). Minor Tremolite And Sulphide'
BH. RCGM80 Depth 133.0m
COLLNO1914/AGG4, COLLNOH946, G3127, Gunn,A.G. * Not entered 'Original entry: Sub-Massive Pyrrhotite-Chalcopyrite Ore With Late Tremolite Partings'
BH. RCGM71 Depth 138.6m
COLLNO1914/AGG5, COLLNOH947, G3128, Gunn,A.G. * Not entered 'Original entry: Oxide Ore; Hematite And Goethite With Coarse Magnetite Crystals. Late Tremolite. Malachite And Cuprite On Fractures'
BH. DDGM71 Depth 10.0m
COLLNO1914/AGG6, COLLNOH948, G3129, Gunn,A.G. * Not entered 'Original entry: Sulphide Ore In Carbonate With Tremolite (High Au)'
BH. RCGM74 Depth 106.45m
COLLNO1612-02010, COLLNOJ755, G3130, Gunn,A.G. * Not entered 'Original entry: Carb. Alteration.'
COLLNO1612-02012, COLLNOJ756, G3131, Gunn,A.G. * Not entered 'Original entry: Carb-Silca Alteration.'
COLLNO1612-02019, COLLNOJ757, G3132, Gunn,A.G. * Not entered 'Original entry: Barite-Schist With Hematite. ?K-Silicate Alteration. Bou Zrabie.'
Bou Zrabie
COLLNO1612-02037, COLLNOJ758, G3133, Gunn,A.G. * Not entered 'Original entry: Silica-Epidote Rock With Carbonate And Cu Secondaries.'
Indice 78.
COLLNO1612-02046, COLLNOJ759, G3134, Gunn,A.G. * Not entered 'Original entry: Chlorite Schist With Carbonate And Cu Secondaries.'
Guelb Naadj.
COLLNO1612-02062, COLLNOJ760, G3135, Gunn,A.G. * Not entered 'Original entry: Banded Mn-Barite Rock.'
COLLNO1612-02063, COLLNOJ761, G3136, Gunn,A.G. * Not entered 'Original entry: Silica-Epidote Rock With Carbonate And Quartz Veinlets'
Indice 78.
COLLNO1612-02067, COLLNOJ762, G3137, Gunn,A.G. * Not entered 'Original entry: Chlorite Schist With Epidote, Carbonate And Quartz Veinlets'
Indice 78.
COLLNO1612-02072, COLLNOJ763, G3138, Gunn,A.G. * Not entered 'Original entry: Banded Barite.'
COLLNO2015/AGG1, COLLNOH949, G3139, Gunn,A.G. * Not entered 'Original entry: Mineralised Bif With Quartz, Grunerite, Pyrrhotite (High Au)'
Bh. SC26 Depth 82.25m
COLLNO2015/AGG2, COLLNOH950, G3140, Gunn,A.G. * Not entered 'Original entry: Mineralised Bif With Quartz, Grunerite, Pyrrhotite, Carbaonte (High Au)'
Bh. SC30 Depth 134.8m
COLLNO2015/AGG3, COLLNOJ746, G3141, Gunn,A.G. * Not entered Not entered
Bh. SC23 Depth 88.1m
COLLNO2015/AGG4, COLLNOJ747, G3142, Gunn,A.G. * Not entered Not entered
Bh. SC23 Depth 157.8m
COLLNO2015/AGG5, COLLNOJ748, G3143, Gunn,A.G. * Not entered Not entered
Bh. SC26 Depth 81.1m

Showing 1 - 20 of 31