BGS rock collections - Search results

Map sheet search for Ballycastle (8)

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
MR11095, COLLNOJR196, Rhodes,J.(Senior) * 1888 'Original entry: Basalt'
In stream, Carey Mill, 1 1/2ml. E of Ballycastle
MR11098, COLLNOJR209, Rhodes,J.(Senior) * 1888 Not entered
1/2ml. E of Ballycastle
MR11096, COLLNOJR199, Rhodes,J.(Senior) * 1888 'Original entry: Dolerite'
MR7092 Not entered Not entered 'Original entry: Dolerite, Intrusive Sheet'
Fair Head, near Greyman's Path, Co. Antrim
MR7099, COLLNOJR203, Rhodes,J.(Junior) * Not entered 'Original entry: Basalt Dyke In Fairhead Trap'
cliff SE side of Fair Head, co. Antrim
MR18963, COLLNO117, Not entered Not entered 'Original entry: "Granulite"'
Torr Head, 8mls. E of Ballycastle
MR20359 Dines,H.G. * Not entered Not entered
1650ft. S by W of tip of KinbaneHead, 1950ft. nearly due E of Caolmaghra Dwelling House, Portnakillew
MR20361 Dines,H.G. * Not entered Not entered
Murlough Bay S cliffe, 1350yds NNE of Ballyukin School and 1100yds W of Binvan(Benvan), Bighorn Townland
MR19680, COLLNOHW287, NI671, Wilson,H. * Not entered 'Original entry: Coarse Augite Segregation -Vein'
Scree block, Fair Head, W of Lacknatraw
MR25835 Wilson,H.E. * Not entered Not entered
Cross No.1 Bh, 550yds at 260deg from Coolanlough (depth 1041ft10in)
MR25836 Wilson,H.E. * Not entered Not entered
Cross No.1 Bh, 550yds at 260deg from Coolanlough (depth 1042ft0in)
MR25837 Wilson,H.E. * Not entered Not entered
Cross No.1 Bh, 550yds at 260deg from Coolanlough (depth 1042ft3in)
MR25838 Wilson,H.E. * Not entered Not entered
Cross No.1 Bh, 550yds at 260deg from Coolanlough (depth 1042ft9in)
MR25839, NI820, Wilson,H.E. * Not entered Not entered
Cross No.1 Bh, 550yds at 260deg from Coolanlough (depth 1079ft3in)
MR25840, NI821, Wilson,H.E. * Not entered Not entered
Cross No.1 Bh, 550yds at 260deg from Coolanlough (depth 1096ft4in)

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