BGS rock collections - Search results

Map sheet search for Blairgowrie (56)

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
thin section S42546, MR21320, Road Research Laboratory * 1957 'Original entry: Gravel'
Castle Hill sand Pit, Blairgowrie
thin section S95817, COLLNOZY152, Krabbendam, Dr Maarten * Not entered 'Original entry: Psammitic Schist'
Summit, Creag nam Brataichean
thin section S95828, COLLNOQY800, Not entered Not entered 'Original entry: Marble'
450 m E 25 deg S of Wester Dunidea
thin section S95846, COLLNOQY630, Not entered Not entered 'Original entry: Calcreous Hornfels'
Craig of Runavey, 1400 m NE of Westerton of Runavey
thin section S95851, COLLNOQY642, Not entered Not entered 'Original entry: Laminated Psammite And Graphitic Schist'
Carn an Daimh, 900 m WSW of summit
thin section S79324, COLLNOCX1970, Smith,C.G. * Not entered 'Original entry: Garnetiferous Muscovite Granite'
c. 30 m SW of fence
MR407 Barrow, G. * Not entered 'Original entry: Quartz-Mica Diorite'
Glen Taitnach, Perthshire
thin section S92772, COLLNOLY667, Robertson,S. * Not entered Igneous Rock And Igneous Sediment (Hierarchy). 'Original entry: Igneous Rock'
Algeilly Burn
thin section S92773, COLLNOLY668, Robertson,S. * Not entered Granite. 'Original entry: Muscovite Granite'
SCOTLAND. Blairgowrie (56)
thin section S92774, COLLNOLY669, Robertson,S. * Not entered Gneiss. 'Original entry: Semi Pelitic Gneiss'
W slope Fae Brae
thin section S92775, COLLNOLY670, Robertson,S. * Not entered Amphibolite. 'Original entry: Amphibolite'
650m SE Mid Hill
thin section S92776, COLLNOLY671, Robertson,S. * Not entered Lamprophyres. 'Original entry: Lamprophyre'
400m WSW 0f Calls of Finlet
thin section S92777, COLLNOLY672, Robertson,S. * Not entered Gneiss. 'Original entry: Biotite Gneiss'
Calls of Finlet
thin section S92778, COLLNOLY673, Robertson,S. * Not entered Gneiss. 'Original entry: Biotite Gneiss'
Calls of Finlet
thin section S92779, COLLNOLY674, Robertson,S. * Not entered Gneiss. 'Original entry: Biotite Gneiss'
Calls of Finlet
thin section S92780, COLLNOLY675, Robertson,S. * Not entered Gneiss. 'Original entry: Semi Pelitic Gneiss'
300m SW of Fae Brae
thin section S92781, COLLNOLY676, Robertson,S. * Not entered Microgranite. 'Original entry: Microgranite'
200m NW of Bodnasparet
thin section S92782, COLLNOLY677, Robertson,S. * Not entered Amphibolite. 'Original entry: Amphibolite'
thin section S92783, COLLNOLY678, Robertson,S. * Not entered Amphibolite. 'Original entry: Garnet Amphibolite'
300 WSW of Sluggan
thin section S92784, COLLNOLY679, Robertson,S. * Not entered Gneiss. 'Original entry: Quartz Biotite Gneiss'
200m S of Craig Lair

Showing 1 - 20 of 512