BGS rock collections - Search results

Map sheet search for Bourne (143)

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
MR17775 Not entered 1945 'Original entry: Marlstone Rock'
Quarry name: not recorded: at Harrowby Lane Old Qry. Grantham (NGR given is for Grantham) Rutland
MR24851 Wyatt,R.J. * 1961 'Original entry: Limestone'
Quarry name: not recorded: at N. side N 227 degrees E of Easton Hill.
MR24852 Wyatt,R.J. * 1961 'Original entry: Limestone'
Quarry name: not recorded: at S. side, 1600' N227 degrees E of Easton Hill
thin section E54074, MR35731, Harrison,R.K. * 1982 'Original entry: Oolitic Ironstone'
Harston Qry. 1.4 Km 173 deg from Harston
thin section E72654 Pharaoh,T. * 1985 Not entered
Great Osgrave Wood Borehole (NCB) c.3 km east of Colsterworth; 747.15 m
thin section E72653 Pharaoh,T. * 1985 Not entered
Great Osgrave Wood Borehole (NCB) c.3 km east of Colsterworth; 747.15 m
thin section E71878 Pharaoh,T. * 1997 Not entered
Great Osgrave Wood BH 747.15 m, NCB, c.3 km E of Colsterworth
thin section E71831, COLLNOTCP22, Pharaoh,T. * 1997 Tuff. 'Original entry: Felsic Tuff'
Great Osgrave Wood BH 853.75m, datum +101.02m (RT); TCP22; GO853.75
thin section E71830, COLLNOTCP21, Pharaoh,T. * 1997 Tuff. 'Original entry: Felsic Tuff'
Great Osgrave Wood BH 853.55m, datum +101.02m; TCP21; OS853.55
thin section E71829, COLLNOTCP20, Pharaoh,T. * 1997 Tuff. 'Original entry: Felsic Tuff'
Great Osgrave Wood BH, datum +101.02m, 853.4m; TCP20; GO853.4
thin section E71836, COLLNOTCP27, Pharaoh,T. * 1997 Sandstone (Undifferentiated). 'Original entry: Sandstone'
Galley Hill BH 620.10m, datum +37.64m; TCP27
thin section E71835, COLLNOTCP26, Pharaoh,T. * 1997 Sandstone (Undifferentiated). 'Original entry: Sandstone'
Galley Hill BH 617.65m, datum +37.64m; TCP26
thin section E71834, COLLNOTCP25, Pharaoh,T. * 1997 Sandstone (Undifferentiated). 'Original entry: Sandstone'
Galley Hill BH 616.15m, datum +37.64m; TCP25
thin section E71833, COLLNOTCP24, Pharaoh,T. * 1997 Sandstone (Undifferentiated). 'Original entry: Quartzose Sandstone'
Galley Hill BH 616.12m, datum (RT) +37.64m; TCP24; GH616.12
thin section E71832, COLLNOTCP23, Pharaoh,T. * 1997 Tuff. 'Original entry: Tuff'
Great Osgrave Wood BH 853.90m, datum (RT) +101.02m, TCP23; OS853.90
thin section E71877 Pharaoh,T. * 1997 Not entered
Great Osgrove Wood BH 747.15 m, NCB, c.3 km E of Colsterworth
thin section E60208, COLLNOHA97, Pharaoh,T. * Not entered 'Original entry: Tuff'
Sproxton BH
thin section E47752, COLLNONGB140, Berridge,N.G. * Not entered 'Original entry: Tuff'
NCB Egypt Plantation BH.SE of Croxton, Kerrial.
thin section E48184, COLLNOIB410B, Burgess,I.C. * Not entered 'Original entry: Basaltic Tuff'
Rollands Hill Plantation BH. (NCB). 500 m S of Denton Cross Rd.
thin section E48185, COLLNOIB411A, Burgess,I.C. * Not entered 'Original entry: Basaltic Tuff'
Rollands Hill Plantation BH. (NCB). 500 m S of Denton Cross Rd.

Showing 1 - 20 of 206