BGS rock collections - Search results

Map sheet search for Clitheroe (68)

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
MR36312 Not entered 1995 Sandstone (Undifferentiated). 'Original entry: Sandstone'
Nelson Quarry,Nelson, North England,
Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential
thin section E40733, COLLNOKS293, Siddiqui,K.S. * Not entered Not entered
Leansdale Qry. Clithero. 400 m W of Chatburn
thin section E40736, COLLNOKS296, Siddiqui,K.S. * Not entered Not entered
Coppling Qry. Clithero. Chatburn
thin section E40737, COLLNOKS297, Siddiqui,K.S. * Not entered Not entered
Coppling Qry. Clithero. Chatburn
thin section E40738, COLLNOKS298, Siddiqui,K.S. * Not entered Not entered
Coppling Qry. Clithero. Chatburn
thin section E40739, COLLNOKS299, Siddiqui,K.S. * Not entered Not entered
Coppling Qry. Clithero. Chatburn
thin section E40740, COLLNOKS300, Siddiqui,K.S. * Not entered Not entered
Waddington Fell Qry. 250 m E of Waddington Fell Summit
thin section E40741, COLLNOKS301, Siddiqui,K.S. * Not entered Not entered
Waddington Fell Qry. 250 m E of Waddington Fell Summit
thin section E40742, COLLNOKS302, Siddiqui,K.S. * Not entered Not entered
Hurstwood Qry. 1.9 Km SE of Worsthorn Church. Burnley
thin section E40743, COLLNOKS303, Siddiqui,K.S. * Not entered Not entered
Hurstwood Qry. 1.9 Km SE of Worsthorn Church. Burnley
thin section E40760, COLLNOKS320, Siddiqui,K.S. * Not entered Not entered
NBovic Qry. 3 Km 350 deg NE of Accrington Station
thin section E51074, COLLNORA432, Arthurton,R.S. * Not entered Not entered
Cowark No. 9 B.H, Spire Farm Newton, Clitheroe
thin section E51075, COLLNORA433, Arthurton,R.S. * Not entered Not entered
Cowark No. 9 B.H, Spire Farm Newton, Clitheroe
thin section E51076, COLLNORA434, Arthurton,R.S. * Not entered Not entered
Cowark No. 9 B.H, Spire Farm Newton, Clitheroe
thin section E51077, COLLNORA435, Arthurton,R.S. * Not entered Not entered
Cowark No. 9 B.H, Spire Farm Newton, Clitheroe
thin section E51078, COLLNORA436, Arthurton,R.S. * Not entered Not entered
Cowark No. 9 B.H, Spire Farm Newton, Clitheroe
thin section E51079, COLLNORA437, Arthurton,R.S. * Not entered Not entered
Cowark No. 9 B.H, Spire Farm Newton, Clitheroe
thin section E51080, COLLNORA438, Arthurton,R.S. * Not entered Not entered
Cowark No. 9 B.H, Spire Farm Newton, Clitheroe
thin section E51081, COLLNORA439, Arthurton,R.S. * Not entered Not entered
Cowark No. 9 B.H, Spire Farm Newton, Clitheroe

Showing 1 - 20 of 163