BGS rock collections - Search results

Map sheet search for Colonsay (35)

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
thin section S74253, S74253/A, COLLNOU1189, Rock,N.M.S. * Not entered Not entered
Port Bheathain, Ross of Mull
thin section S71222, COLLNONX1038, Rock,N.M.S. * Not entered 'Original entry: Kentallenite / Metasediment Contact'
Crags behind Balnahard Farm, Colonsay
thin section S13533 Wright, William Bourke (only Wright in Survey before 1935, prob. same as H B Wright above) * Not entered 'Original entry: Rotten Vogesite'
E of Port na Cuilce, Colonsay
thin section S13534 Wright, William Bourke (only Wright in Survey before 1935, prob. same as H B Wright above) * Not entered 'Original entry: Rotten Vogesite'
E of Port na Cuilce, Colonsay
thin section S13535 Wright, William Bourke (only Wright in Survey before 1935, prob. same as H B Wright above) * Not entered 'Original entry: Vogesite'
Sandstream 0.375 mile ESE of summit of Carn an Eoin
thin section S13536 Wright, William Bourke (only Wright in Survey before 1935, prob. same as H B Wright above) * Not entered 'Original entry: Vogesite'
Sandstream 0.375 mile ESE of summit of Carn an Eoin
thin section S13538 Wright, William Bourke (only Wright in Survey before 1935, prob. same as H B Wright above) * Not entered 'Original entry: Augite Vogesite'
On shore opposite Eilean Meall na Suiridhe
thin section S13539 Wright, William Bourke (only Wright in Survey before 1935, prob. same as H B Wright above) * Not entered 'Original entry: Vogesite'
Leac Bhuidhe, 100 yds N of spot ht 185.6 ft
thin section S13540 Wright, William Bourke (only Wright in Survey before 1935, prob. same as H B Wright above) * Not entered 'Original entry: Very Rotten Lamprophyre'
Port Easdail, Kiloran Ban, Colonsay
thin section S13541 Wright, William Bourke (only Wright in Survey before 1935, prob. same as H B Wright above) * Not entered 'Original entry: Distinctly Sheared, Apparently Has Been A Vogesite'
Port Easdail, Kiloran Ban, Colonsay
thin section S13542 Wright, William Bourke (only Wright in Survey before 1935, prob. same as H B Wright above) * Not entered 'Original entry: Vogesite'
Slopes of Upper Kilchattan
thin section S13543 Wright, William Bourke (only Wright in Survey before 1935, prob. same as H B Wright above) * Not entered 'Original entry: Rotten Lamprophyre, Somewhat Sheared'
N side of Port Easdail, Kiloran Bay
thin section S13544 Wright, William Bourke (only Wright in Survey before 1935, prob. same as H B Wright above) * Not entered 'Original entry: Mica-Bearing Lamprophyre'
N end of Traigh Bhan, Kiloran Bay, S of Port Easdail
thin section S13545 Wright, William Bourke (only Wright in Survey before 1935, prob. same as H B Wright above) * Not entered 'Original entry: Cleaved Lamprophyre'
E of Creag Bhan, 0.5 mile SSE of Balnahard
thin section S13546 Wright, William Bourke (only Wright in Survey before 1935, prob. same as H B Wright above) * Not entered 'Original entry: Schistose Lamprophyre'
A little N of Sloc nam Bodach
thin section S13547, S13547/A, S13547/B, Wright, William Bourke (only Wright in Survey before 1935, prob. same as H B Wright above) * Not entered 'Original entry: Markedly Cleaved Lamprophyre'
N point of Colonsay
thin section S13548 Wright, William Bourke (only Wright in Survey before 1935, prob. same as H B Wright above) * Not entered 'Original entry: Crinanite'
An t-Dubhais, Kilchattan
thin section S13549 Wright, William Bourke (only Wright in Survey before 1935, prob. same as H B Wright above) * Not entered 'Original entry: Ophitic Olivine-Basalt'
Port Ban, Colonsay
thin section S13550 Wright, William Bourke (only Wright in Survey before 1935, prob. same as H B Wright above) * Not entered 'Original entry: Hornblende Syenite'
Port Easdail, Kiloran Bay
thin section S13551 Wright, William Bourke (only Wright in Survey before 1935, prob. same as H B Wright above) * Not entered 'Original entry: Aplitic Vein In Syenite'
Port Easdail, Kiloran Bay

Showing 1 - 20 of 445